2002 boys partial season summary

The chart below shows seven meets during the 2002 season.
Showing ever race for the season would have been a bit unwieldy.
The order of the names listed are not in order of ranking within a team.
They are in order of times run at the NCS Championships which was a starting point, but obviously not an overwhelming decider of final place.
The NCS and league finals played the biggest factor in rankings but the entire season is looked at in making the final selections.

Date		11/30	11/23	11/8,13	10/23	9/25	9/14	9/6
Meet		State	NCS	Finals	Tri	Tri	Viking	Ranch	Other facts
Fitch 		16:02	15:21	15:53	15:27	16:38	10:25j	14:24	3 other 1st
Mora-Roman 	16:20	15:39	15:51	1st/e	15:56	10:23sr	14:44	4-1st
Cody 		16:21	15:53	16:07	15:50	--	10:22j	14:30	1st
Cozza 		16:46	16:01	17:51	1st/c	1st/b	10:43sr	14:55	4-2 vs Becker
Quiroga 	?DNC	16:02	16:09	1st/b	--	10:43fs	--	1st
Withers 	17:50	17:04	16:21	15:43	16:05	10:20j	--	3-1st
Gallagher 	16:47	16:21	16:32	16:58	17:07	10:39sr	15:07
Becker 		16:55	16:21	16:39	2nd/e	3rd/b	11:12fs	--	2-1st
McFarlin 	17:30	16:22	16:04	3rd/a	--	10:33j	14:48	2-1st
Clark 		17:06	16:29	1 CMC	16:21	1st/c	11:08sr	--	5-1st
Stafford 	16:59	16:30	16:39	4th/a	--	10:50j	14:57
Correa 		--	16:32	16:29 	1st/d	17:57	--	--	1st
Seisdedos 	17:22	16:32	16:52	2nd/c	17:11	11:03sr	15:13	1st
Gardina 	--	16:53	16:28	1st/a	18:10	10:51sr	14:56
Masi 		17:11	16:41	17:03	16:20	17:01	11:02sr	15:27
Conley 		19:00	16:43	16:44	16:47	18:25	11:23fs	16:15
Cabrera 	--	16:49	17:22	3rd/e	7th/b	11:27sr	--
Sock 		--	16:49	16:59	3rd/b	--	--	--
Dry 		--	16:50	17:06	2nd/d	17:59	11:43sr	--
Brew 		--	16:54	16:44	16:45	6th/b	11:16fs	15:37
Wortman 	--	17:27	16:53	2nd/b	1st/a	10:55sr	15:09
Whitley 	--	18:19	16:54	16:44	2nd/b	11:00j	15:17
Aymar 		17:33	16:55	18:19	17:08	17:09	11:14j	--
Nopola 		17:38	16:56	17:34	2nd/a	--	10:50sr	--
Feraco-Eberle	--	16:58	17:01	5th/e	--	--	--
Hosey 		--	16:58	17:05	3rd/c	5th/b	11:23sr	--
Teeter 		--	16:59	16:32	3rd/d	16:59	10:55fs	--	1st
Womack 		--	16:59	17:24	4th/b	2nd/a	11:12j	--
Stein 		17:35	17:14	17:15	10th/a	--	11:34j	15:48
Knight 		18:12	17:53	17:11	5th/a	--	11:34sr	15:31
Messier		--	--	17:15	4th/e	4th/b	11:04sr	--

Viking Opener Meet symbols
sr – Senior race
j – Junior race
fs – Frosh/Soph race