Meet Index at bottom of page
Note: Last line under event shows place on 2014 Empire Best list.
Many thanks to Michael Lucid who supplied most of the photos.
Click on photos for larger view.
Athlete of the Year
Story: Scranton’s success revolves around work ethic
Allison Scranton
11, Petaluma
allison scranton 2
6th State 141-3, 3 of top 7 performances All-Time
1st NCS Redwood 130-1
1st SCL 113-11
2nd NCS MOC 133-4
8th Stanford 121-8
141-3 1st 2014, 2nd All-Time, Junior Record
Shot Put
1st SCL 35-9½
3rd NCS Redwood 36-10½
7th NCS MOC 37-7
37-7 2nd 2014, All-Time
Mei Li Bartholome
12, Montgomery
Mei Li
Triple Jump
1st SR Twilight 34-4
1st NBL 33-6½
1st Big Cat 32-5½
1st Castleberry 32-2
1st Windsor Relays 31-4½
3rd Viking Classic 33-6
8th Woody Wilson 34-0¾
16th NCS MOC 33-5 -0.7
34-4 1st 2014
Long Jump
1st Big Cat 14-11½
1st Castleberry 14-4½
17.30 +1.8 42nd wind legal
Morgan Bertsch
12, Santa Rosa
morgan bertsch 5
High Jump
1st NCS MOC 5-7
1st Viking Classic 5-4
1st SR Twilight 5-3
1st NBL 5-2
2nd NCS Redwood 5-0
6th Woody Wilson 4-11
15th State 5-5
5-7 1st 2014, =2nd Non-Mindi Wiley performance
Triple Jump
1st Oakland Relays 31-8
3rd NBL 32-2¼
32-11¾ 3rd 2014
Long Jump
16-1¾ 3rd 2014
Sheena Blackwell
11, Piner
sheena blackwell 2
1st SR Twilight 15.85 +0.9
1st NCS Redwood 16.00
1st SCL 16.40 +0.7
1st Oakland Relays 17.06
4th Woody Wilson 16.16 -0.6
15th NCS MOC 16.31 -1.0
15.85 +0.9 2nd 2014, 20th All-Time, 18th FAT, 11th wind legal
1st SCL 48.40
11th NCS MOC 46.95
46.98 3rd 2014, 400LH 68.83 12th All-Time
2:20.96 2nd 2014, 50th All-Time
High Jump
5-0 =4th 2014
1600 Relay
1st SCL 4:15.35
4:11.41 4th 2014
Julia DeVincenzi
10, St. Helena
julia devincenzi 2_
1st NCS 1A 15.54 +1.7
1st CMC 16.00
2nd Viking Classic 17.27 +1.4
13th NCS MOC 16.16 -2.3
15.54 +1.7 1st 2014, =7th All-Time, 6th FAT, 4th wind legal, =3rd Sophomore
1st NCS 1A 47.97
1st CMC 49.13
16th NCS MOC 48.36
47.97 5th 2014, 48th All-Time
High Jump
4-10 =7th 2014
Molly Foster
12, Analy
molly foster 2
1st Castleberry 17.23
2nd SCL 16.61 +0.7
3rd NCS Redwood 16.48
16th NCS MOC 16.51 -1.0
16.51 -1.0 5th 2014, 45th All-Time, 35th FAT, =19th wind legal
2nd SCL 61.13
3rd NCS Redwood 59.06
59.06 2nd 2014, 35th All-Time
2nd SCL 49.81
48.05 6th 2014
1600 Relay
1st Castleberry 4:39.44+
4:16.36 6th 2014
Isabel Garon
10, Sonoma Valley
sv pver 2
Pole Vault
1st SR Twilight 9-6
2nd SCL 9-6
10th NCS MOC 9-6
10-0 2nd 2014, =20th All-Time, =6th Sophomore
Natalie Gilmore
11, Petaluma
Pole Vault
1st Castleberry 10-8
1st SCL 10-0
1st Windsor Relays 9-0
1st Big Cat 9-0
2nd Viking Classic 10-6
3rd NCS Redwood 11-0
5th NCS MOC 10-8
11-0 1st 2014, 10th All-Time, 7th Junior
Allyson Milone
12, Ukiah
Shot Put
1st NCS Redwood 39-5
1st NBL 38-7
1st Viking Classic 38-6¾
1st SR Twilight 37-2
1st Castleberry 36-0
1st Big Cat 34-5½
6th NCS MOC 38-3½
39-5 1st 2014, 14th All-Time
17th State 124-11
1st SR Twilight 110-7
1st Big Cat 92-0
2nd NCS Redwood 119-9
2nd NBL 117-2
3rd NCS MOC 124-10
124-11 2nd 2014, 12th All-Time
Tori Mollard
11, Montgomery
tori mollard 3
1st Viking Classic 47.60
1st Big Cat 50.62
3rd NBL 47.23
3rd NCS Redwood 47.39
14th NCS MOC 47.41
47.01 4th 2014, =24th All-Time, 400LH 68.92 13th All-Time
1st Viking Classic 16.42 +1.4
1st Big Cat 16.96 -0.1
1st Windsor Relays 17.07
2nd NCS Redwood 16.45
5th Woody Wilson 16.51 -0.6
16.37 +0.9 4th 2014, 36th All-Time, 30th FAT, 16th wind legal
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 4:07.87
2nd NBL 4:10.67
2nd Viking Classic 4:14.93
4:07.87 1st 2014, 41st All-Time
400 Relay
1st Big Cat 52.22
Ileana Moon
10, Casa Grande
lleana moon 2
1st NCS Redwood 2:19.31
1st Viking Classic 2:20.33
1st Marsh Creek 2:21.82
1st NBL 2:23.22
1st Big Cat 2:23.60
15th NCS MOC 2:22.74
2:19.31 1st 2014, All-Time
5:23.14+ 6th 2014
1600 Relay
Distance Medley
Bianca Nicastro
12, Healdsburg
bianca nicastro 1
1st NCS Redwood 58.40
1st SCL 60.04
58.38 1st 2014, 9th Senior All-Time
2nd SCL 26.91 +0.0
26.47 3rd 2014, =42nd FAT, 26.91 +0.0
2:23.90 5th 2014
1600 Relay
4:25.91 9th 2014
Emma Orosz
9, Montgomery
emma orosz 2
1st NBL 25.86
1st SR Twilight 27.03 +0.4
2nd Viking Classic 26.55 +4.3
3rd NCS Redwood 26.23
13th NCS MOC 26.24 -1.0
25.86 1st 2014, 25th All-Time, 20th FAT, 25.99 +1.1 8th wind legal, 4th Freshman
1st SR Twilight 13.07 +0.7
2nd NBL 12.69 +1.8
12.69 +1.8 2nd 2014, 45th All-Time, 29th FAT, 9th wind legal, 8th Freshman
High Jump
3rd NBL 5-0
3rd Viking Classic 5-0
13th NCS MOC 5-0
5-2 2nd 2014, =37th All-Time, =9th Freshman
400 Relay
1st Windsor Relays 51.75
1st SR Twilight 51.78
1st Big Cat 52.22
2nd NCS Redwood 50.14
2nd NBL 50.44
2nd Viking Classic 50.95
50.14 2nd 2014, =28th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st SR Twilight 4:13.69
Mackenzie Segraves
12, Maria Carrillo
mackenzie segraves 4
1st NBL 46.77
2nd NCS Redwood 47.00
10th NCS MOV 46.91
46.77 1st 2014, 21st All-Time, 400LH 68.40 11th All-Time
1st NBL 61.16
61.04+ 4th 2014
1600 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 4:08.04
4:08.04 2nd 2014, 43rd All-Time
Shaylee Stotts
12, Cloverdale
shaylee stotts 7
1st CMC 62.31
1st Windsor Relays 63.32
3rd Viking Classic 61.13
61.13 5th 2014
1st NCS 1A 26.74 +1.6
1st CMC 27.51
26.74 +1.6 6th 2014, All-Time FAT
1st CMC 13.64
13.09 +1.1 6th 2014
400 Relay
53.02 9th 2014
Annette Sutton
12, Santa Rosa
annette sutton 7
1st NBL 12.51 +1.8
1st Windsor Relays 13.09
1st Big Cat 13.26 +0.2
2nd NCS Redwood 12.67
3rd Viking Classic 12.70 +1.6
15th NCS MOC 12.86 +1.2
12.46 +1.4 1st 2014, 10th FAT, 5th wind legal, 10.44+ =10th All-Time
1st Viking Classic 26.40 +4.3
1st Big Cat 27.32 +0.4
2nd NCS Redwood 26.19
2nd NBL 26.25
26.01 +2.0 2nd 2014, 32nd All-Time
Delaney White
10, Santa Rosa
delaney white 3
1st NBL 11:40.53
1st Viking Classic 11:44.49
1st SR Twilight 11:50.48
11:21.30 1st 2014, 43rd All-Time, 3000m 10:35.89 15th All-Time
1st NBL 5:18.90
1st Big Cat 5:28.42
1st Windsor Relays 5:12.14 1500m
5:13.18 1st 2014, All-Time
David Pauls, St. Helena
Adriana Barich
10, Casa Grande
adriana barich 1_
2nd NCS Redwood 2:21.84
2nd NBL 2:26.08
2:21.84 3rd 2014
Shaz Breedlove
11, Maria Carrillo
shaz breedlove 2
2nd NBL 5:22.52
5:17.35 3rd 2014
3rd NBL 11:52.46
11:43.08 3rd 2014
Jordan Codding
12, Santa Rosa
Pole Vault
1st NBL 9-4
9-4 3rd 2014, =34th All-Time
Olivia DeGraca
10, St Vincent
Triple Jump
1st CMC 30-10
32-0 5th 2014
High Jump
1st CMC 4-8
Sala Fitisenmanu
10, Ukiah
sala vitisenmanu 1
1st NBL 118-10
15th NCS MOC 110-2
118-10 3rd 2014, 30th All-Time, 6th Sophomore
Shot Put
2nd NBL 36-10½
3rd Viking Classic 34-9½
36-10½ 3rd 2014, 29th All-Time, 8th Sophomore
Brittney Kozenko
12, Santa Rosa
kozenko nbl2014
1st NBL 16.12 +1.8
15.96 +1.4 3rd 2014, All-Time
Maddy Libbey
10, Sonoma Valley
maddy libbey 3
1st SCL 5:23.55
5:22.23 4th 2014
1st SCL 11:58.49
11:56.09 10th 2014
Kiara Miles
9, Sonoma Valley
kiara miles 2
1st SCL 12.98 +1.0
1st Castleberry 13.19
12.98 +1.0 5th 2014, =45th FAT, =22nd wind legal
1st SCL 26.86 +0.0
1st Castleberry 27.25
26.69 5th 2014, 50th FAT, 26.86 +0.0 =31st wind legal
400 Relay
2nd SCL 51.65
51.65 6th 2014
Makayla Mix
11, Fort Bragg
Shot Put
1st CMC 33-4
34-9 4th 2014
13th NCS MOC 112-8
112-8 5th 2014
Shannon Palladino
11, Maria Carrillo
shannon palladino 3
3rd NCS Redwood 2:22.26
3rd NBL 2:28.19
13th NCS MOC 2:22.65
2:22.26 4th 2014
1st SR Twilight 5:23.18
5:23.18 7th 2014
1600 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 4:08.04
4:08.04 2nd 2014, 43rd All-Time
Cami Rencken
12, Maria Carrillo
cami rencken 3
1st SR Twilight 46.87
1st Windsor Relays 47.51
2nd NBL 47.18
15th NCS MOC 47.70
46.87 2nd 2014, 21st All-Time, 400LH 68.04 10th All-Time
13.30 +1.5
1600 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 4:08.04
4:08.04 2nd 2014, 43rd All-Time
Erica Ruiz
12 Rancho Cotate
erica ruiz 5
3rd NBL 5:22.80
16th NCS MOC 5:15.59
5:15.39 2nd 2014
2nd NBL 11:43.49
11:36.74 2nd 2014
Giselle Saleby
9, Windsor
3rd NBL 12.81 +1.8
12.81 +1.8 3rd 2014, 33rd FAT, 12th wind legal
3rd NBL 26.52
26.52 4th 2014, 45th FAT, 26.56 +1.2 21st wind legal
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 49.65
1st NBL 49.91
11th NCS MOC 49.74
49.65 1st 2014, 9th All-Time
Margaret Smith
9, Montgomery
margaret smith 3
1st SR Twilight 62.00
1st F/S Windsor Relays 62.95
2nd NBL 61.80
61.54+ 7th 2014
400 Relay
1st Windsor Relays 51.75
1st SR Twilight 51.78
2nd NCS Redwood 50.14
2nd NBL 50.44
2nd Viking Classic 50.95
50.14 2nd 2014, =28th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 4:07.87
1st SR Twilight 4:13.69
1st Windsor Relays 4:26.52
2nd NBL 4:10.67
2nd Viking Classic 4:14.93
4:07.87 1st 2014, 41st All-Time
Erin Thomas
12, Mendocino
erin thomas 3
1st CMC 12:37.74
3rd Viking Classic 11:50.39
11:50.39 7th 2014
1st CMC 5:25.77
5:25.77 10th 2014
Megan Touros
10, Kelseyville
Long Jump
1st NCS 1A 16-5½
1st CMC 15-6
14th NCS MOC 16-3 +1.6
16-5½ =1st 2014, 16-3 1.6, =13th All-Time Legal
Total of 91 girls listed for all three teams
Gabby Agenbroad
11, Willits
1st CMC 90-11
Shot Put
31-6 7th 2014
Kaleigh Alves
10, Middletown
1600 Relay
1st CMC 4:37.48
4:28.50 2014
Liza Bernard
11, Petaluma
liza bernard 4
1st SCL 2:32.90
2:29.86 10th 2014
1600 Relay
4:25.65 8th 2014
Meghan Carlisle
10, Middletown
Pole Vault
7-6 =9th 2014
1600 Relay
1st CMC 4:37.48
4:28.50 2014
Lilyanna Carranza
Sonoma Valley
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 51.65
51.65 6th 2014
Caitlin Clarke
10 Casa Grande
Pole Vault
2nd NBL 8-2
8-6 =5th 2014, =49th All-Time
Maddie Common
9, Windsor
maddie common 4
Long Jump
1st NBL 15-8
15-9¾ 6th 2014
2nd NBL 16.69 +1.8
16.69 +1.8 6th 2014, 44th FAT, 27th wind legal, 7th Freshman
1st Castleberry 63.88
26.95 +1.1 7th 2014, 36th wind legal
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 50.97
1st Castleberry 51.83
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 4:19.84
4:15.42 5th 2014
Jaime Cowen
11, Rancho Cotate
jaime cowen 1_
Shot Put
3rd NBL 31-6½
32-7½ 5th 2014
100-6 8th 2014
Brittany Daly
Sonoma Valley
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 51.65
51.65 6th 2014
Zaina DePina
12, St. Helena
Long Jump
1st Thunder Invit. 16-5½
16-5½ =1st 2014
Kelli Fitzpatrick
12, Windsor
kelli fitzpatrick 2
High Jump
1st Windsor Relays 4-10
5-0 =4th 2014
Melissa French
12, Sonoma Academy
melissa french 1
Long Jump
1st Windsor Relays 14-7
15-10 =4th 2014
Morgan Giraud
11, Petaluma
morgan giraud 4_
1st Castleberry 110-8
2nd SCL 105-10
11th NCS MOC 113-4
113-4 4th 2014, 48th All-Time
Amy Glaser
11 Maria Carrillo
amy glaser 2
Long Jump
2nd NBL 15-7¾
27.62 +0.7 48th wind legal
1600 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 4:08.04
4:08.04 2nd 2014, 43rd All-Time
Itzel Gonzalez
10, Piner
itzel gonzales 1
62.31 9th 2014
27.05 9th 2014, 27.12 +0.0 40th wind legal, 27.04+
=2nd SCL 13.26
13.09 =6th 2014, 13.26 +1.0
1600 Relay
1st SCL 4:15.35
4:11.41 4th 2014
Reese Hewitt
11, Montgomery
400 Relay
1st Big Cat 52.22
Aimee Holland
10, Santa Rosa
aimee holland 2
3rd NBL 62.07
61.55 8th 2014
Heather Huston
12, Middletown
1600 Relay
1st CMC 4:37.48
4:28.50 2014
Indigo Keith
1600 Relay
1st Castleberry 4:39.44+
Nicole Kemper
12, Windsor
nicole kemper 4
12.95 +1.8 4th 2014, All-Time
26.97 8th 2014, 27.10 +1.1
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 49.65
1st NBL 49.91
1st Castleberry 51.8
3rd Viking Classic 50.97
11th NCS MOC 49.74
49.65 1st 2014, 9th All-Time
Eva King
12, Casa Grande
eva king 4
Long Jump
2nd Viking Classic 15-8
15-9 7th 2014
Triple Jump
33-11 2nd 2014
High Jump
1st Big Cat 5-0
5-0 =4th 2014
Siena Lambert
9, Petaluma
High Jump
2nd SCL 4-10
4-10 =7th 2014
Camille Leoni
9, Petaluma
camille leoni 4
Long Jump
1st SCL 15-4
15-7½ 9th 2014
400 Relay
52.42 8th 2014
Brittney Lerdahl
12, Montgomery
brittney lerdahl 1
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 4:07.87
1st SR Twilight 4:13.69
1st Windsor Relays 4:26.52
2nd NBL 4:10.67
2nd Viking Classic 4:14.93
4:07.87 1st 2014, 41st All-Time
400 Relay
1st Windsor Relays 51.75
1st SR Twilight 51.78
2nd NCS Redwood 50.14
2nd NBL 50.44
2nd Viking Classic 50.95
50.14 2nd 2014, =28th All-Time
Brittany Lore
12, Maria Carrillo
brittany lore 2
1st SR Twilight 2:25.86
2:25.86 6th 2014
Leslie Loyola
10, Windsor
leslie loyola 2
13.16 +1.7 9th 2014
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 49.65
1st NBL 49.91
1st Castleberry 51.8
3rd Viking Classic 50.97
11th NCS MOC 49.74
49.65 1st 2014, 9th All-Time
Morgan Lynch
11, Maria Carrillo
3rd NBL 99-0
100-9 7th 2014
Eunisse Anne Manalo
11, Montgomery
1600 Relay
1st Windsor Relays 4:26.52
Erin McCullough
11, Montgomery
1st Big Cat 65.06
27.17 +1.2 41st wind legal
400 Relay
1st Windsor Relays 51.75
1st SR Twilight 51.78
1st Big Cat 52.22
2nd NCS Redwood 50.14
2nd NBL 50.44
2nd Viking Classic 50.95
50.14 2nd 2014, =28th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 4:07.87
1st SR Twilight 4:13.69
1st Windsor Relays 4:26.52
2nd NBL 4:10.67
2nd Viking Classic 4:14.93
4:07.87 1st 2014, 41st All-Time
Audrey Molony-Benjaminr
1600 Relay
1st Castleberry 4:39.44+
Aiyana Moya
1600 Relay
1st Castleberry 4:39.44+
2nd SCL 4:18.96
4:16.36 6th 2014
Aniaya Norris
10, Analy
400 Relay
1st SCL 51.48
51.16 5th 2014
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 4:18.96
4:16.36 6th 2014
Nakia Norris
10, Analy
400 Relay
1st SCL 51.48
51.16 5th 2014
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 4:18.96
4:16.36 6th 2014
Madison Parratt
10, Petaluma
2nd SCL 12:07.97
Maren Peterson
Sonoma Valley
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 51.65
51.65 6th 2014
Rebecca Plattus
10, Maria Carrillo
High Jump
1st Castleberry 4-10
2nd NBL 5-0
5-0¾ 3rd 2014
Triple Jump
31-0 9th 2014
Lilly Reinstein
10, Sonoma Academy
lilly reinstein 2
1st CMC 2:27.92
1st Castleberry 2:31
1st Windsor Relays 2:33.61
2:26.75 7th 2014
1st Castleberry 5:39.70
Grekial Rivera
11, Santa Rosa
Shot Put
1st Windsor Relays 30-3
Katie Rivara
12, Windsor
62.36 10th 2014
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 4:19.84
4:15.42 5th 2014
Allegra Robertshaw
9, Windsor
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 4:19.84
Paloma Romero
12, Piner
paloma romero 1
1st Oakland Relays 12:08.6
11:47.41 4th 2014
2nd SCL 5:31.40
Alex Rooney
10, Windsor
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 4:19.84
4:15.42 5th 2014
Carmen Sandoval
11, Middletown
1600 Relay
1st CMC 4:37.48
4:28.50 2014
Julissa Schaffer
10, Tech High
julissa schaffer 2
Pole Vault
1st NCS 1A 8-6
1st CMC 8-0
8-6 =5th 2014, =49th All-Time
Mckenzie Schaffner
12, Healdsburg
mckenzie schaffner 5
1st Castleberry 49.18
2nd Viking Classic 48.80
48.62 7th 2014
1600 Relay
4:25.91 9th 2014
Daisjah Sheperd
9, Piner
daisjah sheperd 4
60.67 3rd 2014
1600 Relay
1st SCL 4:15.35
4:11.41 4th 2014
Christen Silkey
, Sonoma Valley
Shot Put
2nd SCL 30-3
Audrey Stalcup
9, Montgomery
Pole Vault
3rd NBL 7-6
7-6 =9th 2014
49.73 10th 2014
Alisen Stasiowski
11, Analy
Alisen stasiowski 3
13.26 10th 2014
400 Relay
1st SCL 51.48
51.16 5th 2014
1600 Relay
2nd SCL 4:18.96
Shelby Stasiowski
11, Analy
Shelby Stasiowski 2
Long Jump
2nd SCL 15-2
=2nd SCL 13.26
13.14 =7th 2014, 13.26 +1.0
400 Relay
1st SCL 51.48
51.16 5th 2014
Alyssa Stewart
10, Windsor
alyssa stewart 2
Long Jump
3rd NBL 15-2
13.14 +2.1 =7th 2014, 13.26 +1.1
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 49.65
1st NBL 49.91
1st Castleberry 51.8
3rd Viking Classic 50.97
11th NCS MOC 49.74
49.65 1st 2014, 9th All-Time
Sarah Tomaszewski
9, Windsor
sarah tomaszewski 6
1st Castleberry 12:42.6
Millie Unti
11, Healdsburg
millie uti 5
1st Windsor Relays 95-6
105-6 6th 2014
Shot Put
31-0½ 10th 2014
Triple Jump
2nd SCL 30-8½
Jackie VanDenburg
12, Maria Carrillo
3rd NBL 16.92 +1.8
16.71 +1.9 7th 2014, =45th FAT, 28th wind legal
49.47 9th 2014
Paige VanDenburg
12, Maria Carrillo
Triple Jump
2nd NBL 32-11
32-11 4th 2014
Saskia VanOmmeren-Egber
10, Casa Grande
saskia vanommeren-egber 5
2nd Viking Classic 11:48.51
2nd Marsh Creek 12:14.16
11:48.51 5th 2014
3rd Marsh Creek 5:24.62
5:24.62 9th 2014
2:28.54+ 9th 2014
Mayra Villa
12, Piner
mayra villa 2
Triple Jump
1st SCL 31-10
31-10 6th 2014
2nd SCL 2:32.93
1600 Relay
1st SCL 4:15.35
4:11.41 4th 2014
Katya Williges
11, Petaluma
High Jump
1st SCL 4-10
4-10 =7th 2014
Pole Vault
9-1 4th 2014, 41st All-Time
17.24 10th 2014, 17.46 +0.7 49th wind legal
400 Relay
52.42 8th 2014
Teams of unknown members
1st CMC 53.02
Maria Carrillo
3rd NBL 50.71
1st NBL 4:09.78
1st Big Cat 4:17.08
Meet Index
2014 Track & Field Bests Girls
State Finals
State prelims
NCS MOC, day 2
NCS MOC, day 1
Girls NCS Redwood Regional
NCS 1A Championships
CMC Finals
SCL Finals
NBL Finals
5/8 meet
5/7 meets
4/30 meets
Girls Viking Classic
4/23 meets
4/19 Woody Wilson
4/16 meets
4/11 Santa Rosa Twilight Invitational
4/9 CMC at Willits
4/8 MC at CN
4/7 CMC at Middletown
4/5 Castleberry Invitational
4/5 Stanford Invitational day 2
4/4 Stanford Invitational day 1
4/2 Meets
3/29 Oakland Relays
3/29 Thunder Invit.: DePina 16-5½
3/26 CN at Piner
3/21 Bay Area Relays: CG
3/19 CMC meets
3/15 St. Francis Invit’l: Healdsburg
3/15 Dublin Distance Fiest
3/15 Marsh Creek Invitational: Casa
3/15 Martinez Relays: Piner, St. Helena
3/15 Panther Relays: UL
3/12 Cloverdale & Rancho at Analy
3/12 Healdsburg, Sonoma Academy at Newman
3/8 Windsor Relays Girls
3/8 Twilight & Vallejo Relays
3/5 Sonoma County Invit.
3/1 Big Cat
If you have a good photo of anyone missing please email it to me.
(Visited 127 times, 1 visits today)
By Running| July 9th, 2014|0 Comments
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About this blog
What we are calling the Redwood Empire includes only the 3 High School leagues that compete in this area.
They include the North Bay League (Mostly 3A schools), Sonoma County League (2A) and the Coastal Mountain Conference (1A).
These schools are located in the three counties, (Sonoma, Lake & Mendocino), north of San Francisco.