Note: Last line under event shows place on 2015 Empire Best list.
Most of these photos are by Michael Lucid.
Jordan Zinnerman
Rancho Cotate, Sr.
High Jump
1st SR Twilight 6-7
1st Viking Classic 6-6
1st NBL 6-6
1st NCS Redwood 6-4
2nd NCS MOC 6-4
17th State 6-6
6-7 1st 2015, All-Time
3rd NBL 11.13 +0.2
3rd SR Twilight 11.49 -0.7
11.13 +0.2 7th 2015, FAT All-Time
3rd NBL 23.08 +0.5
3rd Viking Classic 23.14 +2.7
22.55 +1.2 6th 2015, 35th FAT All-Time, 17th legal
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 45.22
3rd NBL 44.23
44.23 4th 2015
Lani Gaspar
El Molino, Sr.
1st SCL 10.88 +2.2
1st Woody Wilson 10.95
1st Viking Classic 10.97 +2.2
1st NCS Redwood 11.00 +0.2
1st SR Twilight 11.05 -0.7
1st Big Cat 11.06 +1.2
1st Windsor Relays 11.12
1st Castleberry 11.13
5th NCS MOC 10.96
6th Stanford 11.20 -1.0
10.81 +1.6 1st 2015, 3rd All-Time, 4th FAT, 2nd legal, 10.74+, wind adjusted 2nd performance
1st NCS Redwood 22.05 +1.2
1st Big Cat 22.07
1st SCL 22.11 +1.7
1st SR Twilight 22.13 -1.0
1st Woody Wilson 22.24
1st Castleberry 22.62
6th NCS MOC 22.23
22.05 +1.2 1st 2015, =26th All-Time, =8th FAT AT, 5th legal
Triple Jump
1st Big Cat 42-8½
1st Windsor R. 41-1
1st Castleberry 38-11¼
2nd SCL 42-5
3rd Viking Classic 41-5
3rd SR Twilight 40-11
42-8½ 3rd 2015, 40-11½ +0.1 29th AT legal
50.76 3rd 2015
Tommy Streb
Cardinal Newman, Sr.
1st NBL 22.41 +0.5
2nd NCS Redwood 22.16 +1.2
2nd SR Twilight 23.05 -1.0
5th NCS MOC 22.21 +1.3
22.16 +1.2 2nd 2015
1st NBL 10.97 +0.2
2nd SR Twilight 11.46 -0.7
3rd NCS Redwood 11.15 +0.2
6th NCS MOC 10.99 +2.2
10.97 +0.2 2nd 2015, =24th All-Time, =14th FAT, =6th legal, wind adjusted 6th performance AT
Isazah King
Lower Lake, Sr.
1st CMC 11.38
2nd Viking Classic 11.32 +2.2
7th NCS MOC 11.03
11.03 +2.2 5th 2015, 38th All-Time, 20th FAT, 11.16 +0.2 =19th legal
1st Viking Classic 22.72 +2.7
1st CMC 23.02
3rd NCS Redwood 22.27 +1.2
12th NCS MOC 22.41
22.19 3rd 2015, 38th All-Time, 18th FAT, 22.27 +1.2 13th legal
Nicholas Rauch
Casa Grande, Sr.
1st Dublin 1:56.17
1st NCS Redwood 1:56.37
1st Viking Classic 1:57.02
1st NBL 2:00.11
1st Big Cat 2:01.91
2nd State Indoor 1:57.10
3rd NCS MOC 1:54.46
7th Stanford 1:55.20
21st State 1:56.13
1:54.28 1st 2015 13th All-Time
1st Dublin 4:19.20
1st Viking Classic 4:20.34
1st NBL 4:27.1
2nd NCS MOC 4:17.61
4:17.61 1st 2015, All-Time
2nd NBL 51.41
51.41 6th 2015
1600 Relay
3:33.95 5th 2015, 51.1 split
Kevin Moe
Maria Carrillo, Sr.
1st NBL 50.87
t1st Big Cat 51.78
1st Big Cat 52.72
2nd SR Twilight 51.96
3rd NCS Redwood 50.56
13th NCS MOC 50.09
50.09 1st 2015 42nd All-Time
23.43 +0.5, 23.04+
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:25.55
1st NBL 3:29.52
7th NCS MOC 3:22.91
3:22.91 1st 2015 14th All-Time
Edwin Reyes
Sonoma Valley, Jr.
1st SR Twilight 50.30
1st Castleberry 51.11
2nd SCL 51.94
50.30 2nd 2015
23.40 10th 2015
Brian Schultz
El Molino, So
1st Woody Wilson 9:33.88
1st SCL 10:00.06
2nd NCS Redwood 9:28.22
6th NCS MOC 9:24.63
8th Stanford 3000m 8:56.11, 10th All-Time
9:24.63 2nd 2015, 20th All-Time, 3rd Sophomore All-Time
1st SR Twilight 4:28.59
1st SCL 4:32.95
1st Castleberry 4:42.00
2nd Viking Classic 4:22.08
4:22.08 2nd 2015 6th Sophomore AT
2:02.11 9th 2015
Matthew Salazar
Casa Grande, Jr.
3rd NCS Redwood 4:27.43
6th NCS MOC 4:23.62
4:23.62 3rd 2015
3rd SR Twilight 9:51.62
9:36.85 4th 2015
Jordan Scobey
Maria Carrillo, Jr.
1st NBL 9:38.34
1st Big Cat 9:49.76
7th Dublin 9:29.05
9:23.14 1st 2015, 16th All-Time, 5th Junior AT
4:24.74+ 4th 2015
Alex Netherda
Maria Carrillo, Sr.
1st Big Cat 39.60
1st NCS Redwood 39.91
1st NBL 39.96
1st Windsor Relays 40.20
1st Viking Classic 40.32
2nd Stanford 400IH 56.15 5th All-Time
4th NCS MOC 39.23
7th Arcadia 39.35
39.23 1st 2015 All-Time, 9th Senior
56.15 5th All-Time 400IH
1st Viking Classic 15.72 +1.7
2nd NBL 15.42 -0.8
2nd NCS Redwood 15.69 +1.5
15.42 -0.8 2nd 2015, 32nd All-Time FAT
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 43.22
1st NBL 43.57
43.22 1st 2015 16th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:25.55
1st NBL 3:29.52
Geddi Tavares
Windsor, Sr.
1st NBL 15.41 -0.8
1st Windsor Relays 15.83
1st SR Twilight 15.91 +1.5
1st Big Cat 15.97 +1.7
2nd Viking Classic 15.78 +1.7
3rd NCS Redwood 15.82 +1.5
12th NCS MOC 16.17 -2.9
15.41 -0.8 1st 2015, 31st All-Time FAT, 15th legal
Triple Jump
1st Viking Classic 42-2½
2n SR Twilight 41-2
Long Jump
1st Windsor Relays 19-8¾
2nd SR Twilight 21-1
1st Castleberry 42.54
42.54 9th 2015
400 Relay
2nd NBL 44.12
44.12 3rd 2015
Jumpers and vaulters
Chris Saladin
St. Helena, Sr.
High Jump
1st CMC 6-2
1st NCS 1A 6-0
2nd Viking Classic 6-0
11th NCS MOC 5-10
6-2 =2nd 2015
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 45.58
Malcolm Jenkins
Analy, Sr.
Triple Jump
1st SCL 43-4
3rd NCS Redwood 41-7¾
6th NCS MOC 43-10
43-10 +0.9 1st 2015, 7th AT legal
High Jump
1st SCL 5-10
1st Big Cat 5-10
5-10 =6th 2015
Long Jump
2nd SCL 20-0
20-9 3rd 2015
11.21 9th 2015, =48th FAT, 11.30 +1.6 =33rd legal
Carlos Franco
Rancho Cotate, Sr.
Long Jump
1st SR Twilight 21-3
1st Big Cat 21-0
2nd NBL 20-2
21-3 1st 2015
Triple Jump
1st SR Twilight 43-4
1st NBL 41-6
43-4 2nd 2015
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 45.22
3rd NBL 44.23
44.23 4th 2015
Dan Curren
Petaluma, Sr.
Pole Vault
1st Viking Classic 13-6
1st SR Twilight 13-6
1st Big Cat 13-6
1st SCL 13-0
1st Windsor Relays 12-6
2nd SR Jamboree 12-4
14-1 1st 2015, =20th All-Time
Ryan Douglas
Analy, Sr.
Pole Vault
1st SR Jamboree 12-8
2nd SCL 13-0
3rd NCS Redwood 13-6
6th NCS MOC 13-4
13-6 2nd 2015, =36th All-Time
Greg Poteracke
Casa Grande, Sr.
Shot Put
1st SR Jamboree 50-4½
1st Viking Classic 50-3½
1st NCS Redwood 50-1
1st SR Twilight 49-9
1st NBL 49-1
1st Big Cat 48-8
9th NCS MOC 48-10
50-4½ 1st 2015
140-0 5th 2015
Jackson Pool
Windsor, Sr.
1st NCS Redwood 153-7
1st Big Cat 140-1
1st Windsor Relays 129-4
1st Castleberry 127-2
2nd Viking Classic 144-9
2nd SR Twilight 128-7
3rd NBL 147-0
3rd SR Jamboree 130-6
5th NCS MOC 153-0
153-7 4th 2015
Shot Put
1st Windsor Relays 44-8 1/4
1st Castleberry 42-11½
2nd NBL 47-5½
2nd SR Jamboree 47-1
3rd NCS Redwood 47-10
3rd SR Twilight 43-2½
11th NCS MOC 47-4
47-10 3rd 2015
Will Smith
Willits, Jr.
1st NCS 1A 150-10
1st Viking Classic 150-1
1st CMC 142-9
1st SR Jamboree 139-8
4th NCS MOC 154-8
154-8 3rd 2015
Shot Put
1st CMC 47-2
3rd Viking Classic 47-7½
3rd SR Jamboree 45-11
14th NCS MOC 47-1
47-7½ 4th 2015
Ian Herculson
Maria Carrillo, Jr.
2nd NBL 11.00 +0.2
2nd NCS Redwood 11.14 +0.2
3rd SR Twilight 23.42 -1.0
13th NCS MOC 11.47 -2.1
11.00 +0.2 3rd 2015, 36th All-Time, 6th Junior, 18th FAT, 10th legal, wind adjusted =10th performance AT
2nd NBL 22.45 +0.5
22.45 +0.5 4th 2015, 31st All-Time FAT, 15th legal, 9th Junior FAT
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 43.22
1st NBL 43.57
43.22 1st 2015 16th All-Time
Xavier Freeman
Analy, Sr.
2nd SCL 11.06 2.2
11.02 4th 2015, 37th All-Time, 19th FAT, 11.31 +1.2 =37th legal
2nd SCL 22.67 +1.7
22.51 5th 2015, 33rd FAT All-Time, 22.67 +1.7 21st legal
400 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 43.91
43.91 2nd 2015
LaVon Browne
St. Helena, Sr
3rd Viking Classic 11.34 +2.2
11.04 +1.9 6th 2015 =39th All-Time, 21st FAT, 11th legal
23.34 9th 2015
High Jump
3rd Viking Classic 5-10
5th Woody Wilson 6-0
8th NCS MOC 6-0
6-2 =2nd 2015
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 45.58
Carson Kimball
Maria Carrillo, Jr.
2nd NCS Redwood 1:56.55
2nd Viking Classic 1:59.74
2nd NBL 2:00.44
8th NCS MOC 1:57.29
1:56.55 2nd 2015 39th All-Time
3rd NBL 9:52.57
9:52.57 8th 2015
Justin Thurman
Santa Rosa, Sr.
1st SR Twilight 1:59.00
3rd NCS Redwood 1:57.14
3rd Viking Classic 2:00.08
3rd NBL 2:01.22
5th Dublin 1:58.88
12th NCS MOC 2:00.10
1:56.72 3rd 2015 43rd All-Time
42.08 8th 2015
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 3:30.62
11th NCS MOC 3:27.71
Ross Simmons
Analy, So
1st SCL 50.91
50.91 4th 2015
400 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 43.91
43.91 2nd 2015
Daniel Pride
Santa Rosa, So
2nd SR Twilight 9:41.92
2nd NBL 9:42.93
12th NCS MOC 9:40.37
9:34.55 3rd 2015 47th All-Time, 6th Sophomore AT
3rd NBL 4:29.9
4:26.28 7th 2015
Luca Mazzanti
Santa Rosa, So
2nd NBL 4:27.3
2nd SR Twilight 4:30.32
16th NCS MOC 4:32.28
4:25.24 5th 2015
2:01.49 7th 2015
Aidan Kozel
Healdsburg, Sr.
1st SCL 16.47 +1.2
16.19 5th 2015, 16.32 +1.7
Long Jump
1st SCL 20-1
20-1 =8th 2015
41.69 5th 2015
Ian Fisher
Montgomery, Jr.
3rd NBL 16.10 -0.8
16.10 -0.8 3rd 2015
Jumpers and vaulters
Jaleel Lawson
Casa Grande, Sr.
jaleel lawson 4
Long Jump
20-7 5th 2015
Triple Jump
41-3¾ 8th 2015
Mike Korsak
Santa Rosa, Sr.
Long Jump
1st NBL 20-8
20-8 4th 2015
400 Relay
2nd Viking Classic 45.55
45.55 8th 2015
Michael Horton
Santa Rosa, Jr.
Pole Vault
1st NBL 12-6
3rd SR Jamboree 12-4
12-6 3rd 2015
16.15 -0.8 4th 2015
Brandon Potts
Windsor, Sr.
Pole Vault
2nd NBL 11-6
12-3 4th 2015
1600 Relay
3:35.16 7th 2015
Lance Eberly
Healdsburg, Sr.
High Jump
5-10 =6th 2015
Pole Vault
11-6 =6th 2015
Delano Bell
Santa Rosa, Jr.
1st NBL 156-2
156-2 1st 2015
Shot Put
44-1 7th 2015
Tanner Cristando
Healdsburg, Sr.
Shot Put
1st SCL 49-3
49-3 2nd 2015
Jamie Pugh
Casa Grande
This year I, Jim Crowhurst, did not have any part in the selections above, I did add the stats of what each of the boys did this year.
Below are some honorable mentions I am adding to give a bit more credit to some of the other outstanding athletes.
Honorable Mention
Emmanuel Alcala
1st SCL 123-9
Remy Barbiero
Sonoma Academy, So
remy barbiero 2__
Long Jump
1st CMC 19-5
20-5¾ 6th 2015
Triple Jump
1st CMC 39-1½
11.31 10th 2015
Alfio Basile
St. Helena, So
alfio basile 3___
1st CMC 2:04.14
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 45.58
Ian Bright
Pole Vault
1st CMC 11-6
11-6 =6th 2015
Eduardo Calderon
eduardo calderon 2
1st Castleberry 10:45.00
Dante Capone
dante capone 2
2nd SCL 10:04.14
1st Windsor R. 4:24.45
Hyrum Cook
Maria Carrillo, Sr.
Pole Vault
3rd NBL 10-0
3rd SR Twilight 10-0
11-0 9th 2015
Raven Davis
Windsor, Fr.
raven davis 2__
11.43 +0.2, 4th Freshman All-Time
23.24+, 4th Freshman All-Time
400 Relay
2nd NBL 44.12
44.12 3rd 2015
Will Dunbar
Petaluma, Fr.
will dunbar 2
2nd SCL 2:01.84
3rd SR Twilight 2:00.66
1:57.83 4th 2015, 4th Freshman All-Time
2nd SCL 4:33.73
4:33.73 10th 2015
Jasper Estes
Fort Bragg, Jr.
jasper estes 2___
1st CMC 17.62
Dominick Garcia
Maria Carrillo, Sr
dominick garcia 3
51.97 9th 2015
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:25.55
1st NBL 3:29.52
7th NCS MOC 3:22.91
3:22.91 1st 2015 14th All-Time
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 43.22
1st NBL 43.57
43.22 1st 2015 16th All-Time
Miguel Garcia
Piner, Sr.
miguel garcia 1
1st SCL 42.24
14th NCS MOC 41.45
41.45 3rd 2015
Gabe Ghirann
Analy, Sr.
gabe ghiran 1
1st SCL 2:01.12
1st Castleberry 2:04.77
1st Windsor R. 2:08.54
1:59.49 5th 2015
Blue Growden
Santa Rosa, Jr.
blue growden 1
High Jump
2nd NBL 6-0
6-0 5th 2015
Josiah Guerra
Rancho Cotate, Sr.
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 45.22
3rd NBL 44.23
44.23 4th 2015
Wesley Guerra
Santa Rosa
400 Relay
2nd Viking Classic 45.55
45.55 8th 2015
Dalton Hall
Petaluma Jr.
dalton hall 2
Long Jump
9th NCS MOC 21-0 +2.1
21-0 +2.1 2nd 2015
Triple Jump
41-7 5th 2015
Chaz Highfill
Rancho Cotate, Sr.
chaz highfill 1_
High Jump
3rd NBL 5-8
5-8 =10th 2015
Nicolas Iversen
Ukiah, Jr.
nicholas iverson 4_
Shot Put
44-9 3rd NBL
44-11 6th 2015
126-10 9th 2015
JaNarrick James
Analy, Sr
janarrick james 2
Long Jump
1st Castleberry 19-5½
Triple Jump
40-10 10th 2015
400 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 43.91
43.91 2nd 2015
Kerr Johnson
Analy, Sr
kerr johnson 3
11.20 8th 2015, =46th FAT, 11.42 +1.3
22.77 +1.2 7th 2015, 50th FAT, 24th legal
400 Relay
3rd NCS Redwood 43.91
43.91 2nd 2015
Marcus Kouk
Elsie Allen, Sr.
Shot Put
2nd SCL 45-7
45-7 5th 2015
2nd SCL 120-0
Aaron Lu
Casa Grande, Jr.
aaron lu 2
2nd NBL 41.92
41.67 4th 2015
1600 Relay
3:33.95 5th 2015, 54.0 split
Mazi Macondray
Santa Rosa, Jr.
mazi macondray 1
Triple Jump
2nd Viking Classic 41-6¼
3rd NBL 40-3½
41-6¼ 6th 2015
52.16 10th 2015
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 3:30.62
11th NCS MOC 3:27.71
400 Relay
2nd Viking Classic 45.55
45.55 8th 2015
Eddie Mondragon
Healdsburg, Jr.
eddie mondragon 2
4th Woody Wilson 2:01.21
2:01.21 10th 2015
Cooper Nicks
Rancho Cotate, Sr.
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 45.22
3rd NBL 44.23
44.23 4th 2015
Brad Neuerburg
Cardinal Newman, Sr.
brad neuerberg 1_
t1st Big Cat 51.78
51.62 7th 2015
Brendan O’Neill
Petaluma, Fr
brendan o neil 2
High Jump
1st SCL 5-8
5-8 =10th 2015
Long Jump
20-1½ 7th 2015, 4th Freshman All-Time
Triple Jump
40-2 5th Freshman All-Time
Ty Pearson
Petaluma, Jr.
ty pearson 3
1st SR Twilight 41.08
41.08 2nd 2015
1st Castleberry 16.98
3rd SR Twilight 16.58 +1.5
16.58 +1.5 7th 2015
Skyler Penny
Santa Rosa, So
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 3:30.62
11th NCS MOC 3:27.71
Jack Preston
St. Helena, Sr.
jack preston 1
1st CMC 41.88
2nd Viking Classic 41.83
41.70 6th 2015
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 45.58
Caleb Richards
Sonoma Academy, Jr.
caleb richards 2_
1st CMC 4:38.21
Abraham Rodriguez
Montgomery, Jr.
3rd NBL 43.03
42.76 10th 2015
1600 Relay
3:37.38 10th 2015
Sean Rollins
Santa Rosa, Jr.
3rd SR Twilight 52.02
51.92 8th 2015
23.52 +0.5
1600 Relay
3rd NBL 3:30.62
11th NCS MOC 3:27.71
400 Relay
2nd Viking Classic 45.55
45.55 8th 2015
Jalen Roman
Windsor, Sr.
jalen roman 2
High Jump
1st Windsor R. 5-10
3rd SR Twilight 5-8
6-2 =2nd 2015
23.15 +1.4 8th 2015
400 Relay
2nd NBL 44.12
44.12 3rd 2015
1600 Relay
3:35.16 7th 2015
Jordan Rosado
Maria Carrillo, Sr.
jordan rosado 3
Triple Jump
41-2¾ 9th 2015
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:25.55
1st NBL 3:29.52
7th NCS MOC 3:22.91
3:22.91 1st 2015 14th All-Time
400 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 43.22
1st NBL 43.57
43.22 1st 2015 16th All-Time
Eli Rosan-Duran
Sonoma Academy, Sr.
eli rosen-durran 1
1st CMC 10:27.59
Reed Salmon
Santa Rosa, Jr.
salmon reed 1
2nd NBL 147-5
3rd NCS Redwood 141-9
12th NCS MOC 138-8
156-1 2nd 2015
Shot Put
43-0½ 10th 2015
Isaiah Smith
Maria Carrillo, So
isaiah smith 2
3rd NBL 51.45
51.04 5th 2015
1600 Relay
7th NCS MOC 3:22.91
3:22.91 1st 2015 14th All-Time
Chaise Stark-Knowles
Windsor, Jr.
400 Relay
2nd NBL 44.12
44.12 3rd 2015
Warren Talcroft
Montgomery, So
warren talcroft 1_
Triple Jump
2nd NBL 41-4½
16th NCS MOC 41-0
41-5 7th 2015, 41-0 +2.0 28th AT legal
Long Jump
3rd NBL 20-0
20-0 10th 2015
1600 Relay
3:37.38 10th 2015
Bismark Torrez
Analy, Sr.
bismark torrez 2
2nd SCL 17.21 +1.2
16.97 9th 2015, 16.74+
Brenden Valador
Fort Bragg, Jr.
1st CMC 52.73
Chase Waddington
Fort Bragg, Jr.
Pole Vault
1st NCS 1A 11-6
1st Castleberry 10-0
2nd SR Twilight 11-0
11-6 =6th 2015
Zack West
Maria Carrillo, Sr.
zac west 1
8th Dublin 4:29.87
4:25.61 6th 2015
9:44.71y 7th 2015
Trevor Wofford
Piner, Jr.
trevor wofford 1
2nd SCL 42.35
3rd Viking Classic 42.42
41.98 7th 2015
16.97 +1.4 =10th 2015
Jake Wolski
Maria Carrillo, So
jake wolski 1_
3rd SR Twilight 43.38
16.64 -0.8 9th 2015