Fast sisters

The Hill sisters have only finished their freshman season’s but nearly broke the record for sisters.
Addie was 2nd in the CMC finals 100 and 3rd in the 200.
Her twin sister Josie had the 400 as her best event this year winning the CMC final and taking 7th at MOC
The twins actual compete for different teams with Josie running for Technology and Addie for Summerfield Waldorf of Santa Rosa

L-R Josie, Addie

Fastest Sisters Ever
25.76 Richardson
12.83y Janice 1978
12.93y Ann & Yv 1975

25.85 Hill
12.71 Addie 2024
13.14+ Josie 2024

51.93 Chalmers
25.55 Jackie 2013
26.38 Christen 2010

52.02 Hill
25.94 Josie 2024
26.08 Addie 2024

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