Now that the CIF has aded the 4X800 Relays as a State meet event and is being run more often including the league finals I needed to dig into the event.
I have had a top 10 list for the event in my Relay list section but now it is a major event and I felt it was time to do a deep dive into the event.
For the last 3 weeks I have spent my extra time combing through the results I have going back to the 1960’s to find whatever I could.
Here are my new Top 50 lists for both genders and the Evolution of Redwood Empire Records for both.
I’m sure I did not find everything so let me know about marks I am missing.
Hope you enjoy.
Evolution of Redwood Empire Boys 2 Mile Relay
8:46.4 Sonoma Valley 1961
8:39.8 Montgomery 1962
8:11.7 Montgomery 1967 Gary Silveira, Dave Gott, Bill Matz, Joe Shelton
8:08.2 Santa Rosa 1971 Steve Holmes, Mike Fitzgerald, Manuel Mendoza 2:00.9y, Joe DeDora
8:01.6 Petaluma 4/14/73 SR Relays
7:52.7 Petaluma 4/20/74 SR Relays Jim Judd, Dan Aldridge, Phil Bond, Jon Sisler, avg 1:57.53 = to 7:50.10 3200m Relay
Evolution of Redwood Empire Girls 3200m Relay
10:56.3* St Vincent 1978
10:03.32* Petaluma 1979 10:06.6y Lisa Dailey Lori Shanoff, Ann Bertucci, Gretchen Maser
9:42.25* Petaluma 1980 9:45.4y ?Nancy Marinsek, Ann Bertucci, Lisa Dailey, Lori Shanoff
9:40.28* Santa Rosa 1992 9:43.5y Kari Horn 2:27.8, Rhonda Mazza 2:21.0, Megan Reeder 2:33.1, Nika Horn 2:18.3
9:24.14+ Santa Rosa 1997 Katie Stafford 2:26.9, Julia Stamps 2:14.8, Trina Cox 2:20.5, Melissa Guanella 2:21.7