2003 Boys NBL XC Finals

2003 North Bay League Finals
Nov. 8, 2003 at Ukiah High

J.K. Withers

Senior JK Withers of Cardinal Newman won by 14 seconds in 16:33.
Ryan Gilliam is the only other Newman winner taking the title in 1982 and 1983.
Ukiah Junior Tim Quiroga was the next across the line in 16:47.
Viking Senior’s KC Cody (16:56) and Matt Fitch (17:11) followed for the best 1-2 team finish but it was nowhere near enough as the Carrillo boys won their first
ever pennant lead by Sophomore Michael Brew (17:18). All seven Carrillo runners finished in the top 20.
Seniors closed out the top ten with Panthers Silas Stafford (17:19) and Eddy McFarlin (17:24) followed by Brain Whitley of Carrillo (17:40), Galen Aymar of Newman (17:41) and Eric Hadland of Carrillo (17:51).

NBL League Championship History

At Ukiah’s 3.1 mile campus course in Ukiah, since 1997
Hosted 1997 & 2000 NCS Championships & Ukiah Invitational

Boys Varsity
1.  46 Maria Carrillo  (5 8 10 11 12 15 18)  1:28:51 (17:46)
2.  68 Cardinal Newman (1 9 16 20 22 25)     1:29:50 (17:58)
3.  72 Santa Rosa      (6 7 17 19 23 24 30)  1:30:42 (18:08)
4.  83 Montgomery      (3 4 21 26 29 31 36)  1:31:44 (18:20)
5. 110 Ukiah           (2 14 27 32 35 37 39) 1:35:33 (19:06)
6. 153 Rancho Cotate   (13 28 34 38 40)      1:42:28 (20:29)
7. 203 Piner           (33 41 42 43 44 45)   1:55:10 (23:02) 
8. Inc. Elsie Allen

Course Record 16:04 Jake Schmitt, Redwood 10/4/03, next 16:22 Tom Phelps, Piedmont 10/7/00

    1   JK Withers (Sr)                   Cardinal Newman          16:33
    2   Tim Quiroga (Jr)                  Ukiah                    16:47
    3   KC Cody (Sr)                      Montgomery               16:56
    4   Matt Fitch (Sr)                   Montgomery               17:11
    5   Michael Brew (So)                 Maria Carrillo           17:18
    6   Silas  Stafford (Sr)              Santa Rosa               17:19
    7   Eddy McFarlin (Sr)                Santa Rosa               17:24
    8   Brain Whitley (Sr)                Maria Carrillo           17:40
    9   Galen Aymar (Sr)                  Cardinal Newman          17:41
   10   Eric Hadland (Sr)                 Maria Carrillo           17:51
   11   Diego Moulton (So)                Maria Carrillo           18:00
   12   Alex Wolf-Root (Jr)               Maria Carrillo           18:02
   13   Paul Herman (So)                  Rancho Cotate            18:07
   14   Jose Paniagua (Sr)                Ukiah                    18:12
   15   Ryan Aldridge (So)                Maria Carrillo           18:14
   16   Tim Cumbo (Jr)                    Cardinal Newman          18:14
   17   Zak Stein (Sr)                    Santa Rosa               18:21
   18   Logan Ensign (So)                 Maria Carrillo           18:29
   19   Brice Winkler (Fr)                Santa Rosa               18:33
   20   Bryan Vann (So)                   Cardinal Newman          18:40
   21   Alex Conley (Jr)                  Montgomery               18:41
   22   Andrew Bertolli (Jr)              Cardinal Newman          18:42
   23   Colin Gibbs (Sr)                  Santa Rosa               19:05
   24   Kevon LeMaitre (So)               Santa Rosa               19:13
   25   Christian Henderson (Jr)          Cardinal Newman          19:19
   26   Blake McDowall (Fr)               Montgomery               19:22
   27   Anthony Jimenez (Jr)              Ukiah                    19:27
   28   Lorenzo Womack (Sr)               Rancho Cotate            19:32
   29   Jeremy Cutcher (Fr)               Montgomery               19:34
   30   Lance Prange (Jr)                 Santa Rosa               19:50
   31   Sean Bashel (So)                  Montgomery               20:11
   32   Rigo Ramos (Jr)                   Ukiah                    20:17
   33   Dawit Tesfasilassie (Jr)          Piner                    20:29
   34   Ryan Opatz (Sr)                   Rancho Cotate            20:43
   35   Brandon Powell (Fr)               Ukiah                    20:50
   36   Michael Bailey (Sr)               Montgomery               21:08
   37   Shawn McEntee (So)                Ukiah                    21:09
   38   Patrick Gannon (Sr)               Rancho Cotate            21:35
   39   Brain Amaral (Jr)                 Ukiah                    22:01
   40   James Chapman (Sr)                Rancho Cotate            22:31
   41   Greg Pappas (Jr)                  Piner                    23:11
   42   Ben Creed (Sr)                    Piner                    23:35
   43   Bob Wilson (Jr)                   Piner                    23:42
   44   Michael Frost (So)                Piner                    24:13
   45   Chris Bae (So)                    Piner                    24:16

JV Boys
1. Santa Rosa      29 (2 3 7 8 9 17 22)
2. Maria Carrillo  46 (1 4 12 13 16 18 19)
3. Cardinal Newman 56 (5 6 11 14 20 27 28)
4. Montgomery      93 (10 15 21 23 24 25 26)

    1       1   Andy Roth (Jr)                    Maria Carrillo           18:59
    2       2   A J Alcocer (Sr)                  Santa Rosa               19:27
    3       3   Cappy Sorentino (Sr)              Santa Rosa               19:35
    4       4   Jason Kitchen (Fr)                Maria Carrillo           19:44
    5       5   Jack Beiting (Jr)                 Cardinal Newman          20:07
    6       6   Matt Brattin (So)                 Cardinal Newman          20:09
    7       7   Barrett Ross (Fr)                 Santa Rosa               20:10
    8       8   Jin Dunn (So)                     Santa Rosa               20:13
    9       9   Pascal  Ezaki (Sr)                Santa Rosa               20:19
   10      10   Lachlan Hall (So)                 Montgomery               20:27
   11      11   Blake Atkerson (Jr)               Cardinal Newman          20:30
   12      12   Ty Olson (Fr)                     Maria Carrillo           20:35
   13      13   Doug Anderson (So)                Maria Carrillo           20:47
   14      14   Kyle Rousseau (Jr)                Cardinal Newman          20:49
   15      15   David Lee (Fr)                    Montgomery               21:04
   16      16   Ben Stone (So)                    Maria Carrillo           21:12
   17      17   Keegan Johnson (So)               Ukiah                    21:19
   18      18   Jeffrey  Petersen (Fr)            Santa Rosa               21:28
   19      19   Jeff Farrell (Fr)                 Maria Carrillo           21:33
   20      20   Sean Thomas (Sr)                  Maria Carrillo           21:37
   21      21   Marshall VanLeuven (So)           Maria Carrillo           21:39
   22      22   Jd Driscoll (Fr)                  Cardinal Newman          21:41
   23      23   Dane Skabelund (Jr)               Maria Carrillo           21:43
   24      24   Zach Skabelund (Fr)               Maria Carrillo           21:49
   25      25   John Sloan (Fr)                   Maria Carrillo           21:55
   26      26   Sebastian Wolff (Fr)              Montgomery               22:13
   27      27   Tyler Hannis (Fr)                 Santa Rosa               22:14
   28      28   Nat Lipanovich (Sr)               Santa Rosa               22:25
   29      29   Tony Gomez (Fr)                   Ukiah                    22:27
   30      30   Joe D'Avanzo (Sr)                 Santa Rosa               22:35
   31      31   Riku Onodera (Sr)                 Montgomery               22:46
   32      32   David Hilton (Fr)                 Maria Carrillo           22:57
   33      33   Cooper Arbios (Fr)                Maria Carrillo           23:02
   34      34   Chris  Myers (Fr)                 Maria Carrillo           23:04
   35      35   Marcus Dunseth (Sr)               Montgomery               23:11
   36      36   Xander Fung (Fr)                  Montgomery               23:13
   37      37   Doug Giutierrez (So)              Rancho Cotate            23:18
   38      38   Johannes Druel (Jr)               Montgomery               23:21
   39      39   Sean Hayes (Fr)                   Rancho Cotate            23:23
   40      40   James Britcher (Jr)               Maria Carrillo           23:26
   41      41   Zach Potter (Fr)                  Montgomery               23:31
   42      42   Mike Park (Sr)                    Santa Rosa               24:04
   43      43   Trevor Tetzlaff (So)              Piner                    24:15
   44      44   Colin Whitham (Jr)                Maria Carrillo           24:33
   45      45   Kyle Griffiths (Fr)               Montgomery               24:35
   46      46   Kyle Fritz (So)                   Montgomery               24:39
   47      47   Mathew Lucia (Fr)                 Maria Carrillo           24:48
   48      48   Dave Clark (Fr)                   Rancho Cotate            24:51
   49      49   Austin Hendrix (So)               Santa Rosa               25:10
   50      50   Daniel Scoggins (Jr)              Piner                    25:19
   51      51   Matt  Togenetti (Fr)              Cardinal Newman          25:30
   52      52   Amin Kazemimi (Jr)                Maria Carrillo           25:32
   53      53   Max Hayden (Fr)                   Santa Rosa               25:53
   54      54   Cameron Cleveland (So)            Cardinal Newman          26:11
   55      55   Marcus Goodwin (So)               Piner                    26:24
   56      56   Spencer Boeck (Fr)                Cardinal Newman          26:27
   57      57   James McLaughlin (Jr)             Piner                    27:12

NBL Boys Standings
Pennant Pts./Finals score/Tri meet record

10/ 46/7-0 Maria Carrillo Last Pennant: 2nd 98
7/ 68/5-2 Cardinal Newman Last Pennant: 82
7/ 72/6-1 Santa Rosa Last Pennant: 01
4/ 83/4-3 Montgomery Last Pennant: 02
3/110/3-4 Ukiah Last Pennant: 01
2/153/2-5 Rancho Cotate Last Pennant: 2nd 78 & 86
1/203/1-6 Piner Last Pennant: 3rd 88 & 90, won SCL 85
0/Inc/0-7 Elsie Allen Last Pennant: 4th 96

Schools last league champion

NBL Boys
MONTGOMERY Matt Fitch ’02
MARIA CARRILLO Jordan Kinley ’99, ’01
UKIAH Ryan Mack ’98
SANTA ROSA Amadu Kamara ’95
C. NEWMAN Ryan Gilliam ’83
PINER Steve Miller ’84 SCL
ELSIE ALLEN best 2nd by Celedonio Rodriguez ’97

Boys 2003 League Meets

Complete October, 29, 2003
Fitch 15:53 over McFarlin 16:10
Withers 15:27 over Brew 16:21
Quiroga 17:32 over Testfastlassie 18:06

Complete October 22, 2003
Quiroga Uk – 13:52 over Brew – MC 14:15
K Cody (M) 17:08 over M Fitch (M) 17:08
Withers, CN, 17:30 over Stafford, SR, 18:09

Complete Oct. 15, 2003
Tesfagilassie P 13:58 over Herman RC 15:33
Stafford (SR) 15:47 over Brew (MC) 15:49
Withers CN,15.23 over Quiroga U,15:52

Complete October 8, 2003
Fitch, Mont. 18:19 over Brew, MC 18:38
Quiroga (U) 17:33 over Stafford (SR) 17:57
Withers CN 15.45 over Cumbo, 16.30