2002 Empire Girls Runner of the Year Log

Here are some of the reasons that show why Phyllis Blanchard was chosen as the 2002 runner of the year.

Blanchard was the dominant runner in almost ever race she ran in this year. She began the year with a huge win over Robinson, Conley & Handel at the Rancho Cotate Invitational and ended the regular season with the best place and time at the state meet, fourth division I (18:18).

In between those two races she won three other Invitationals including the prestigious Stanford division I race. She added a fourth major win at the North Coast Section Championships, the only Empire runner to win a section.

Her only head-to-head loses to Empire runners were to Robinson and Leland at league and a tri meet to Robinson. The only other blemish on her record was running a slower time than Handel, Conley & Robinson at NCS, but they were in division II which none of them won while Blanchard won her division I race.

Blanchard, Leland, Handel, Robinson
(by Cameron Potter)

Here are the actual won lose records.


Blanchard 2-2 Robinson Robinson 1-1 Leland
Blanchard 4-1 Leland Robinson 4-2 Handel
Blanchard 3-0 Handel Robinson 4-2 Conley
Blanchard 4-0 Conley Leland 2-0 Handel
Leland 3-0 Conley
Handel 12-2 Conley

plus time comparisons verses others for State, NCS, Stanford & Viking Opener

Blanchard 5-3 Robinson Robinson 2-3 Leland
Blanchard 4-1 Leland Robinson 4-2 Handel
Blanchard 5-1 Handel Robinson 4-3 Conley
Blanchard 6-1 Conley Leland 2-2 Handel
Leland 3-2 Conley
Handel 12-2 Conley


NCS D-I Championships
Santa Clarita Invitational
Stanford D-I Invitational
Cow Chip Invitational
Rancho Cotate Invitational
plus five tri-meets

North Bay League Finals
Cal Poly Invitational
Viking Opener F/S
plus three tri-meets

Clovis Invitational
plus three tri-meets

two tri-meets

2002 Season Records of top five

State		D-I		D-II
Blanchard	4th-18:18 
Conley				 9th-18:23
Handel				14th-18:31
Leland	       12th-18:34  
Robinson			21st-18:43

Handel 				2nd-17:48
K. Conley			3rd-18:06
Robinson 	     		4th-18:20
Blanchard	1st-18:21
LeSieur 	     		5th-18:28
E. Conley 			8th-18:41
Leland		2nd-18:45

NBL Finals
Robinson 	17:44
Leland		17:47
Blanchard	17:56 
Handel 		18:26
Conley 		18:40

10/30 League Meets

Blanchard 	1st Vs Ursuline

Leland 		15:55
Robinson 	16:49

Sweaney		19:29
Handel		19:30
Sorentino	19:31
Walsh		19:34
Conley		19:35

Mt. Sac Invitational
Handel		 8th-18:13
Conley 		19th-18:32

10/23 League Meets

Blanchard 	16:06
Shibata 	17:44
Mullin 		17:45
Leland 		17:48

Robinson	17:39
Handel		17:47	
Conley		17:59

Mariner Invitational
Handel    	2nd

Cal Poly Invitational
Robinson 	1st 

10/16 League Meets

Robinson	17:43 
Blanchard 	18:09

Leland		19:53
Handle		20:35
Sweaney		21:29
Blake		21:47
Conley		21:47

Santa Clarita Invitational 
Blanchard 	1st

Clovis Invitational
Leland		1st 

Serra Crystal Springs Invitational
Handel		5th
Conley 		6th

10/9 League Meets

Blanchard	15:51
Handel 		16:34
Conley 		16:45

Leland	1st vs Ursuline & Santa Rosa

Stanford Invitational
		D-I	D-II
Blanchard	1-18:01
Robinson		 6-18:11
Handel			 8-18:15
Conley			14-18:39

9/25  Meets

Blanchard	1st vs. Santa Rosa, Sonoma, Windsor

Robinson	1st vs. Petaluma, Casa Grande

Handel		18:23
Hendricks	19:06
Conley		19:07

Cow Chip Invitational
Blanchard	1st

Iolani Invitational
Handel		 4th-20:37
Hendricks	13th-21:17
E. Conley	26th-21:34
K. Conley	41st-21:50

9/18  Meets

Blanchard	18:16
Robinson	19:10

Handel		17:54
Hendricks	18:04
Conley		18:14

Viking Opener
		Sr/Jr		So/Fr
Blanchard 	3rd-11:38
Leland 		4th-11:47
Conley 		5th-11:56
Robinson 			1st-11:57

Rancho Cotate Invitational
Blanchard	15:49
Robinson	16:26
Conley		16:43
Handel		16:48