2022 Returning Boys All-Empire Cross Country

Grades listed are for 2022 season.

First Team

Kaeden Anderson
Sophomore, Healdsburg
46th State V, 9th NCS, NBL Redwood, Mt. Sac So., Artichoke F/S & Viking Opener Soph. Champ, plus four other wins
9:43.00 3200 Track
by Brian Tucker

Max Azevedo
Junior, Montgomery
77th State III, 7th NCS, 6th NBL Oak, 10:08.33 3200 Track by Brian Tucker

Javier Hernandez-Barragan
Sophomore, Sonoma Academy
76th State V, 12th NCS, 3rd CMC, 2nd Viking Opener So.
by Michael Lucid

Second Team

Johnny Ando
Junior, Santa Rosa
39th NCS II, 2nd Shor & Viking Opener Jr., 4:27.44 & 10:00.55 Track by Michael Lucid

Trenton Dawson
Freshman, Maria Carrillo
24th NCS III, 11th NBL Oak, Clovis F/S & Rancho JV Champ, State participant,

10:07.81 3200 Track
by Michael Lucid

Adam Joseph
Junior, Santa Rosa
8th NBL Oak, 35th II NCS,
9:55.33 3200 Track
by Michael Lucid

Grant Sanderson
Junior, Maria Carrillo
5th NBL Oak, 32nd NCS III, State participant, won one other meet, 2:01.16, 4:35.31 & 10:02.68 Track by Michael Lucid

Gabe Sitton
Junior, Maria Carrillo
105th State III, 15th NCS, Ed Sias JV Champ by Brian Tucker

Jack Wilson
Sophomore, Maria Carrillo
107th State III, 17th NCS, 7th NBL Oak by Michael Lucid

Honorable Mention

Adrian Estrada
Junior, Cardinal Newman
26th NCS V, 2nd NBL Redwood, won one other meet
by Michael Lucid

Cormac Gaylord
Sophomore, Analy
36th NCS III, 4th NBL Redwood, plus four other wins,
2:03.22 Track
by Michael Lucid

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