I don’t know what most people do when they are too sick to go to work but if I’m strong enough to sit in a chair I start doing track & field stats.
This is what happened to me on January 2nd when I came down with the regular flu.
It started out as a simple search that turned into weeks of searching for marks and going way beyond what I had planned.
I had remembered that I had found a mark by Montgomery’s Bob Waldon that he did in a dual meet, running 2 miles in 9:25.8 back on March 15, 1966.
I thought I should make a new list of the best ever marks for dual meets for all the events.
As I was searching some 60 years of results, (yes I am a true track nut,) I was finding marks the best marks but quickly decided I should keep track of other really good marks.
Soon enough I decided to try and make the list a top 10, if possible.
My starting point was to go to my top 50 performance lists, but for the most part those lists only had the date of the performances I had found and not what type of meet they came from. So at that point I began trying to list what meet all of these 1,600 marks came from that make those lists. This means clicking on the links to all the local meets that might have produced those marks that I have. And for the years before about 1990, flipping thru my old hard copy clip files of saved newspaper articles of meets.
As I began seeing where the performances took place, I thought, Why stop at best dual meets? Why not also put together the best Invitational marks and the best league finals and best NCS regional meets and best NCS MOC meet marks and finally the best state meet marks? That took it from a simple idea to an obsession that took many, many days and nights of working to complete. And even though I am beginning to post these lists now, I will have lots to add as I continue my quest.
Now with these new lists, and the many others I have put together, I know there are going to be marks I missed.
I’m always adding to and fixing lists, so please drop me a line on marks that I am missing – with as much detail as possible so I can verify them.
[email protected]
And if you really appreciate this type of thing donations are always welcome because I’m not paid to do any of this.
Hope you enjoy the new lists.
I am starting with the boys dual records and hope to add other lists every few days.
dual/tri, Invitationals, League finals, NCS Regionals, NCS MOC, State Meets
dual/tri, Invitationals, League finals, NCS Regionals, NCS MOC, State Meets