2023 Boys All-Redwood Empire Running Track & Field

Note: Last line under event shows place on 2023 Empire Best list.


Jude DeVries , 12, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

1st Big Cat 9:19.86
1st NBL 9:29.58
2nd NCS Redwood 9:25.14
2nd SR Twilight 9:25.91
8th Dublin 9:08.05
11th NCS MOC 9:21.76
9:08.05 1st ’23, 4th All-Time
8:53.19, 10th All-Time
1st Viking Classic 4:20.36
1st NBL 4:21.30
2nd NCS Redwood 4:15.69
4th Dublin 4:16.75
13th NCS MOC 4:24.57
4:15.69 1st ’23, 14th All-Time
2nd NBL 1:59.60
1:59.60 2nd ’23
3200 Relay
1st Viking Classic 8:45.93
2nd NBL 8:24.04, split 1:58.27
8:24.04 3rd ’23

Nathan Fifer, 12, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
2nd State 6-6
1st Viking Classic 6-4
1st NBL 6-3
1st SR Jamboree 6-2
1st Big Cat 6-0
2nd NCS Redwood 6-4
2nd NCS MOC 6-3
2nd SR Twilight 6-2
=4th Arcadia Invitational Div. 6-2
6-6 1st ’23, =10th CA, =24th All-Time

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Santiago Adan, 11, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

21st State 156-3
1st NCS Redwood 161-7
1st Eddie Hart 155-3
1st NBL 153-1
1st SR Twilight 149-7
1st Viking Classic 146-4
2nd NCS MOC 152-8
8th Arcadia Open div. 151-4
161-7 1st ’23, 43rd All-Time, 9th Junior AT

Joey Bowser , 12, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

1st Viking Classic 49.71
1st NCS Redwood 49.97
1st Granada 50.59
12th NCS MOC 51.12
49.71 1st ’23, 32nd All-Time
1st NCS Redwood 22.02 +1.6
1st Viking Classic 22.30 +0.4
1st San Ramon Vly Festival 22.39 +1.1
1st Big Cat 22.98
11th NCS MOC 22.94 +2.6
22.02 +1.6 =1st ’23, 27th All-Time, 12th FAT, 10th Legal, 8th FAT Senior
11.14 +0.9 5th ’23, =46th FAT, =27th Legal
1600 Relay
3:31.73 4th ’23

Asher Cleary , 12, Justin-Siena

By Brian Tucker

High Jump
=13th State 6-3
1st VVAL 5-10
1st Napa Valley Twilight 5-10
3rd NCS MOC 6-2
3rd NCS Redwood 6-2
3rd Viking Classic 6-0
6-3 3rd ’23
2nd VVAL 115-9

Tiernan Colby , 12 Sonoma Academy

By Michael Lucid

1st CMC 10:04.36
3rd Stanford 9:14.62
14th NCS MOC 9:29.07
9:14.62 2nd ’23, 11th All-Time
1st SR Twilight 4:23.93
1st CMC 4:31.32
4:20.48 2nd ’23, 48th All-Time
4:05.45 7th All-Time
1st CMC 2:02.11
2:02.11 10th ’23

Owen Foley , 11, Analy

By Michael Lucid

18th State 39.18
1st NCS Redwood 39.33
2nd NCS MOC 39.78
2nd NBL 41.30
39.18 1st ’23, 12th All-Time, 5th Junior AT
1st Big Cat 51.62
2nd Viking Classic 50.03
2nd NBL 50.14
3rd NCS Redwood 50.11
7th NCS MOC 53.01
50.03 3rd ’23,
23.21 -0.2
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:26.71
1st NBL 3:28.61, split 50.72
4th NCS MOC 3:25.69, split 49.91
3:25.69 1st ’23, 48th All-Time

Jai Gray, 12, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

Long Jump
1st NBL 20-4.25
1st Big Cat 20-2.5
1st SR Twilight 19-8
2nd NCS Redwood 20-6.25 -3.2
9th NCS MOC 21-0.5 +1.5
21-2 3rd ’23, 21-0.5 +1.5 24th Legal
2nd NCS Redwood 22.31 +1.6
3rd NBL 22.72 +2.0
13th NCS MOC 23.00 +0.1
22.31 +1.6 =3rd ’23, =30th FAT, =22nd Legal
11.21 +1.7 6th ’23
Pole Vault
10-6 =9th ’23
400 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 43.60
2nd NBL 43.93
2nd SR Twilight 44.03
9th NCS MOC 43.30
43.30 2nd ’23, 27th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st Bay Area Relays Coed 3:49.01
2nd NBL 3:28.87, split 49.54
2nd SR Twilight 3:37.28
13th NCS MOC 3:32.22
3:28.87 2nd ’23
Distance Medley Relay
10:42.19, split 51.07

Jared Hayes , 12, Piner

By Michael Lucid

1st NBL 1:58.42
1st Big Cat 1:59.85
1st SR Twilight 1:59.90
2nd NCS Redwood 1:58.68
3rd Viking Classic 1:57.51
3rd Granda 1:57.99
10th NCS MOC 1:59.98
1:57.51 1st ’23
1st Big Cat 4:27.76
4:27.76 6th ’23
Pole Vault
1st NBL 11-6
2nd Viking Classic 12-6
2nd SR Twilight 11-0
=10th NCS MOC 12-0
12-6 =2nd ’23
52.77 6th ’23
1600 Relay
1st SR Twilight 3:33.83
2nd Viking Classic 3:32.21
3rd NBL 3:29.60
3rd NCS Redwood 3:32.99
14th NCS MOC 3:32.38
Distance Medley Relay
11:08.11 3rd ’23

Jake Joerger, 11, Cardinal Newman

Shot Put
1st NBL 47-7
1st SR Twilight 46-2
1st Big Cat 44-10
2nd NCS Redwood 50-7.75
3rd Halden Invit 45-11
3rd Viking Classic 45-10.5
8th NCS MOC 50-3
50-7.75 1st ’23
1st Big Cat 124-5
2nd NBL 131-1
2nd SR Twilight 130-03
135-0 5th ’23

Alexander Ong, 12, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

25th State 40.09
1st NBL 41.12
1st Big Cat 42.09
2nd NCS Redwood 39.76
2nd SR Twilight 42.53
3rd NCS MOC 40.40
39.76 2nd ’23, 27th All-Time
1st Big Cat 16.19
2nd SR Twilight 16.40 +0.7
3rd NBL 16.17 -0.5
15.92 +1.5, 5th ’23
23.36 -0.2
400 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 43.60
2nd NBL 43.93
2nd SR Twilight 44.03
9th NCS MOC 43.30
43.30 2nd ’23, 27th All-Time
1600 Relay
1st Bay Area Relays Coed 3:49.01
2nd NBL 3:28.87, split 52.00
2nd SR Twilight 3:37.28
13th NCS MOC 3:32.22
3:28.87 2nd ’23

Jacob Pruitt, 11, Rancho Cotate

By Michael Lucid

1st NBL 10.82 +1.3
1st Viking Classic 10.98 +2.0
1st SR Twilight 10.98 +0.6
1st NCS Redwood 11.08 +0.5
16th NCS MOC 23.21 +3.7
10.82 +1.3 1st ’23, 9th All-Time, 6th FAT, 4th Legal, 2nd Junior AT
1st NBL 22.30 +2.0
2nd SR Twilight 22.85 +0.0
3rd NCS Redwood 22.36 +1.6
22.30 +2.0 =1st ’23, 10th Junior FAT
Long Jump
1st Viking Classic 22-1
2nd NBL 20-0.75
13th NCS MOC 20-7.5 +1.1
22-1 1st ’23
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 43.01
1st NBL 43.47
1st SR Twilight 43.97
3rd NCS Redwood 43.96
13th NCS MOC 43.71
43.01 1st ’23, =13th All-Time

John Quilon, 12, American Canyon

Photo from 2022

Triple Jump
1st NCS Redwood 44-1.5 -3.3
1st Napa Valley Twilight 41-8.5
1st VVAL 41-8.25
44-1.5 -3.3 1st ’23, 11th Legal All-Time
Long Jump
1st Vallejo Invit 20-0.5
20-0.5 10th ’23
1st Napa Valley Twilight 11.41
1st Vallejo Invit 11.66 -2.4
11.27 7th ’23, 11.24+

NJ Robert , 12 Piner

By Michael Lucid

1st Viking Classic 41.21
1st SR Twilight 42.18
3rd NCS Redwood 40.53
7th NCS MOC 42.18
40.53 3rd ’23
6th Stanford 58.06, 16th All-Time
2nd Viking Classic 15.76 +2.0
3rd NCS Redwood 15.86 +1.9
14th NCS MOC 16.24 +1.1
15.76 +2.0 3rd ’23, 35th Legal AT, 15.74+
Pole Vault
10th NCS MOC 12-6
12-6 =2nd ’23
1600 Relay
1st SR Twilight 3:33.83
2nd Viking Classic 3:32.21
3rd NBL 3:29.60
3rd NCS Redwood 3:32.99
14th NCS MOC 3:32.38

Sai Vadrawale , 12, Rancho Cotate

By Michael Lucid

18th State 15.37 +0.6
1st Viking Classic 15.13 +2.0
1st NBL 15.31 -0.5
1st SR Twilight 15.51 +0.7
2nd NCS Rewdood 15.00 +1.9
3rd NCS MOC 14.95 +0.7
14.83 +1.1, 1st ’23, 32nd All-Time, 11th FAT, 8th Legal, 10th Senior FAT
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 43.01
1st NBL 43.47
1st SR Twilight 43.97
3rd NCS Redwood 43.96
13th NCS MOC 43.71
43.01 1st ’23, =13th All-Time


Dylan Arendt , 11, Analy

By Michael Lucid

3rd Viking Classic 50.38
3rd NBL 50.53
50.30 4th ’23
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:26.71
1st NBL 3:28.61
4th NCS MOC 3:25.69
3:25.69 1st ’23, 48th All-Time

Dave Baraka, 12, Piner

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
1st SR Twilight 6-4
2nd Viking Classic 6-2
=3rd NBL 5-8
6th NCS MOC 6-2
6-4 2nd ’23
1600 Relay
1st SR Twilight 3:33.83
2nd Viking Classic 3:32.21
3rd NBL 3:29.60
3rd NCS Redwood 3:32.99
14th NCS MOC 3:32.38
Distance Medley Relay
11:08.11 3rd ’23

Liam Currie, 11, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

1st NBL 49.85
1st Clash of the Titans 51.31
2nd NCS Redwood 50.09
2nd Herd Roundup 50.53
6th NCS MOC 51.32
49.85 2nd ’23, =39th All-Time, 9th Junior AT
2nd Clash of the Titans 22.92 +0.3
22.92 +0.3, 7th ’23
2:01.34+ 7th ’23
Long Jump
20-3 9th ’23

Nadav Dicovski, 12, Middletown

By Michael Lucid

Triple Jump
1st Del Oro 42-3.75
1st CMC 42-3.5
9th NCS MOC 42-7.75 +1.7
43-4.5 2nd ’23, 42-7.75 +1.7
Long Jump

Elijah Hansen , 11, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

2nd NBL 10.97 +1.3
2nd Viking Classic 11.00 +2.0
2nd NCS Redwood 11.11 +0.5
10.97 +1.3, =36th All-Time, =22nd FAT, =11th Legal, =10th Junior AT
2nd NBL 22.54 +2.0
2nd Viking Classic 22.61 +0.4
22.54 +2.0 5th ’23, 28th Legal All-Time
400 Relay
3rd NBL 44.37
3rd Viking Classic 44.39
44.31 3rd ’23

Xander Newman, 11, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

2nd NBL 15.62 -0.5
2nd Granda 16.28 -0.3
3rd Viking Classic 15.86 +2.0
9th NCS MOC 15.85 +0.6
15.62 -0.5 2nd ’23, 31st Legal All-Time, =9th Legal Junior
3rd Viking Classic 42.13
3rd NBL 42.58
10th NCS MOC 42.27
41.02 4th ’23
Triple Jump
40-11 7th ’23

Max Pedrotti-Jacobs , 11, Petaluma

Photo from 2022

Pole Vault
1st SR Jamboree 13-1
1st VVAL 12-0
1st Big Cat 12-0
1st SR Twilight 12-0
3rd NCS Redwood 12-8
3rd Viking Classic 12-0
=11th NCS MOC 12-0
13-1 1st ’23

Silas Pologeorgis, 12, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 11.28 +1.2
11.28 +1.2 8th ’23, =48th Legal All-Time
1st VVAL 22.65 +2.8
22.65 +2.8, 6th ’23, 22.79 +1.6 44th Legal AT
1600 Relay
1st VVAL 3:34.61
3:34.61 5th ’23
400 Relay
2nd VVAL 44.89

Andrew Stevens , 12, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

1st Viking Classic 9:47.89
2nd NBL 9:42.40
9:29.40 3rd ’23, 47th All-Time
2nd NBL 4:27.10
4:24.03 3rd ’23


Melody Karpinski, Montgomery

Viking boys had their first NBL title since 2003.


Kaeden Anderson, 10, Healdsburg

By Michael Lucid

3rd NBL 9:50.39
3rd Viking Classic 9:56.74
9:43.00 4th ’23

Valentin Arango, 10, Vintage

By Michael Lucid

1st Vallejo Invit 11:13.17

Devon Bertoli, 9, Cardinal Newman

Shot Put
2nd NBL 45-0
10th NCS MOC 47-4.5
48-1.25 2nd ’23, 2nd Freshman All-Time

Jonah Bertoli, 9, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

11.41 +1.9, 7th Freshman All-Time
400 Relay
44.39 4th ’23

Brody Breen, 9, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
1st VVAL 3:34.61
3:34.61 5th ’23

Mahdi Camara
10, Cardinal Newman
Shot Put
42-8 6th ’23

Malachi Cole, 9, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
6-0 =5th ’23, =7th Freshman All-Time

Trenton Dawson
9, Maria Carrillo
10:07.81 10th ’23

Jack Dufour, 9, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
2nd VVAL 3:38.50
3:38.50 8th ’23
3200 Relay
1st VVAL 8:42.85

Evan Foley, 9, Analy

By Michael Lucid

23.13 +1.1 10th ’23, 7th Freshman All-Time
11.51 +1.3
1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:26.71
1st NBL 3:28.61, split 50.99
4th NCS MOC 3:25.69, split 51.46
3:25.69 1st ’23, 48th All-Time

Grayson Frye, 10, Vintage

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 4:39.49
4:34.14 9th ’23

Cormac Gaylord, 10, Analy

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
1st NCS Redwood 3:26.71
1st NBL 3:28.61
4th NCS MOC 3:25.69
3:25.69 1st ’23, 48th All-Time

Srihan Goli, 10, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
1st VVAL 8:42.85

Antonio Gonsalves
10, Windsor
400 Relay
45.64 10th ’23

Graham Gregory
10, Montgomery
3200 Relay
1st Viking Classic 8:45.93
2nd NBL 8:24.04
8:24.04 3rd ’23

Tyler Hall
9, Grace Christian Academy
3200 Relay
1st CMC 10:10.51

Daniel Hockert, 10, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
6-0 =5th ’23

Kai Jordan
9, Rancho Cotate
400 Relay
1st SR Twilight 43.97

Jonas Kemps , 9, Analy

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
=3rd NBL 5-8

Ryan LaFrance, 10, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
1st Viking Classic 8:45.93
2nd NBL 8:24.04
8:24.04 3rd ’23
1600 Relay
3:31.73 4th ’23

Preston Leslie, 10, American Canyon

By Michael Lucid

16.86 +2.8 10th ’23

Sebastian Lomas
10, Casa Grande
1600 Relay
2nd VVAL 3:38.50
3:38.50 8th ’23

John Lubas
10, Cardinal Newman
Shot Put
43-9 3rd ’23

Dylan Mainaris , 10, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 2:03.94
2nd SR Twilight 2:01.18
2:01.02 5th ’23
1st VVAL 4:38.53
4:33.21 8th ’23
1600 Relay
2nd VVAL 3:38.50
3:38.50 8th ’23
3200 Relay
1st VVAL 8:42.85

Giovanni Martinez, 10, Rancho Cotate

By Michael Lucid

11.35 +1.3, 9th Legal Sophomore AT
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 43.01
1st NBL 43.47
3rd NCS Redwood 43.96
13th NCS MOC 43.71
43.01 1st ’23, =13th All-Time

Andrew McNiel
10, Ukiah
High Jump
5-10 =8th ’23

Grant Methum
9, Grace Christian Academy
3200 Relay
1st CMC 10:10.51

Jesse Meyers ,10, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

3rd Viking Classic 131-10
8th NCS MOC 137-1
139-5 3rd ’23

James-Paul Miller
10, Technology
Triple Jump
40-8.25 8th ’23

Gavin Moore, 10, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

Pole Vault
10-6 =9th ’23

Leo Moratti, 10, Willits

2022 Submitted photo

Long Jump
1st CMC 20-1.75
2nd Viking Classic 21-11
21-11 2nd ’23, 7th Sophomore All-Time

Chris Negrete, 10, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
2nd VVAL 3:38.50
3:38.50 8th ’23

Jacob Patterson , 10, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

2nd SR Twilight 54.39

Charly Ramirez
10, Casa Grande
2nd VVAL 16.78 +2.8
16.78 +2.8 8th ’23, 16.86 +1.9

Diego Sanchez
10, St Helena
1st Napa Valley Twilight 10:38.81

Quinlan Sauter, 10, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

Pole Vault
3rd NBL 11-0
11-0 =6th ’23

Patrick Schott, 10, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
3:36.29 6th ’23

Caleb Weaver, 10, Technology

By Michael Lucid

1st CMC 120-3
123-2, CMC leader

Jack Wilson , 10, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

2nd SR Twilight 4:37.27
4:26.86 4th ’23
9:46.34 5th ’23
2:01.52 8th ’23
3200 Relay
6th NCS MOC 8:20.60, split 2:03.96
8:20.60 2nd ’23
Distance Medley Relay
10:42.19 1st ’23, split 4:27.41

Aidan Woods
10, Cardinal Newman
129-7 7th ’23

Honorable Mention Performances

Kristopher Adams, 11, Montgomery

2022 Submitted photo

Triple Jump
1st SR Twilight 39-01
1st Big Cat 38.00.75
Long Jump
1st SR Jamboree 19-01.25

Miguel Aguirre, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

Shot Put
3rd NBL 43-6
43-6 4th ’23

Andrew Amons, 11, Piner

By Michael Lucid

128-6 8th ’23

Dominick Andrade, 11, American Canyon

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 53.83

Luke Andre, 12, Grace Christian Academy

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
1st CMC 10:10.51

Johnny Ando, 11, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

3rd NBL 4:31.43
4:27.44 5th ’23
10:00.55 7th ’23
3200 Relay
1st NBL 8:20.32. split 2:02.16
11th NCS MOC 8:28.62, split 2:04.21
8:20.32 1st ’23

Max Azevedo, 11, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
1st Viking Classic 8:45.93
2nd NBL 8:24.04
8:24.04 3rd ’23

William Bonzi
12, Cardinal Newman
11.58 +2.3
400 Relay
44.39 4th ’23

Ryan Borno
12, Rancho Cotate
135-2 4th ’23
Shot Put
42-10.5 5th ’23

Theodore Broome, 12, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

1600 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 3:38.98
3:36.29 6th ’23
3200 Relay
1st NBL 8:20.32. split 2:06.31
11th NCS MOC 8:28.62, split 2:08.37
8:20.32 1st ’23

Giovanni Calleja
11, Rancho Cotate
Shot Put
2nd SR Twilight 39-09.75

Juan Calleja, 12, Fort Bragg

By Michael Lucid

Long Jump
1st Vern Regier 19-4
20-5 8th ’23, 20-4 +1.2
High Jump
5-10 =8th ’23

Alan Carmona
12, Analy
2:01.73 9th ’23

Nolan Nyle Ciceron
12, American Canyon
Pole Vault
11-0 =6th ’23

Ryan Comella, 11, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 10:27.99

Jhony Covarrubias
11, St Helena
1600 Relay
1st CMC 3:45.84

Oscar Cruz
11, Middletown
Shot Put
41-3.5 10th ’23

Clay Dennis, 12, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

1st SR Twilight 54.34
400 Relay
2nd VVAL 44.89

Nick Dennis, 10, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

42.96 8th ’23

Benjamin Dethlefsen, 12, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

1:59.88 4th ’23
1600 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 3:38.98
3:36.29 6th ’23
3200 Relay
1st NBL 8:20.32, split 2:03.08
11th NCS MOC 8:28.62, split 2:04.77
8:20.32 1st ’23

Caden Devries, 11, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

Triple Jump
1st Viking Classic 41-8
3rd NBL 39-11.25
13th NCS MOC 41-8.25 +1.2
41-8.25 +1.2 4th ’23
High Jump
2nd NBL 5-10
5-10 =8th ’23
Long Jump
19-11, 19-8.75 -1.0

Tyler Diehl, 11, Vintage

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 11.37 +1.2
2nd VVAL 23.10 +2.8
23.10 +2.8 9th ’23, 23.80 +1.7

Gavin Doig , 12, Cardinal Newman

From 2022

1st Big Cat 11.38
2nd SR Twilight 11.09 0.6
11.01 +1.1 4th ’23, 18th Legal All-Time
1st SR Twilight 22.31 +0.0
22.31 +0.0 =3rd ’23, =30th FAT, =22nd Legal

Jevon Donell
11, Lower Lake
400 Relay
1st CMC 46.23
1st Nor Cal Small 46.31

Jonathan Donohue, 12, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 8:32.24
3rd NBL 8:27.99, split 2:09.01
6th NCS MOC 8:20.60, split 2:02.49
8:20.60 2nd ’23

Gunnar Erickson, 11, Windsor

2022 photo

Triple Jump
1st SR Jamboree 39-5.25
2nd SR Twilight 38-3.5
41-1.5 -3.2, 6th ’23
400 Relay
45.64 10th ’23

Stephen Felder
11, Lower Lake
400 Relay
1st CMC 46.23

Cohen Ferrari
12, Maria Carrillo
11.30 +0.5 10th ’23
400 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 43.60
2nd NBL 43.93
2nd SR Twilight 44.03
9th NCS MOC 43.30
43.30 2nd ’23, 27th All-Time

Jayke Fightmaster, 12, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

11.92 +1.5
400 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 44.39

Nico Franco, 12, Napa

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 2:06.34
3200 Relay
2nd VVAL 8:54.48

Alberto Garza
11, Maria Carrillo
400 Relay
2nd SR Twilight 44.03
1600 Relay
2nd SR Twilight 3:37.28

Beau Gleeson, 11, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

3rd NCS Redwood 139-6
10th NCS MOC 133-10
139-6 2nd ’23
400 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 43.60
2nd NBL 43.93
9th NCS MOC 43.30
43.30 2nd ’23, 27th All-Time

Sean Gubera, 12, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 8:32.24
3rd NBL 8:27.99, split 2:05.47
8:27.99 3rd ’23

Austin Gunter
12, Montgomery
1600 Relay
3:31.73 4th ’23

Erick Gutierrez, 12, Healdsburg

By Michael Lucid

52.22 5th ’23
16.32 +0.6 5th ’23
43.33 10th ’23

Gavin Hahn, 12, Mendocino

By Michael Lucid

4:28.05 7th ’23
10:07.13 9th ’23

Tupotu Halle, 11, Rancho Cotate

By Michael Lucid

23.20 +1.7, 22.84+
400 Relay
1st Viking Classic 43.01
1st NBL 43.47
1st SR Twilight 43.97
3rd NCS Redwood 43.96
13th NCS MOC 43.71
43.01 1st ’23, =13th All-Time

Kenyon Hanlon-Strane
11, Cardinal Newman
Triple Jump
38-5, Redwood leader
400 Relay
44.39 4th ’23

Nehemiah Holiday
11, Maria Carrillo
Triple Jump
1st NBL 42-1.25
2nd NCS Redwood 42-9.5 +0.0
10th NCS MOC 42-4.5 +2.6
42-9.5 +0.0 3rd ’23
Long Jump
3rd NBL 19-9.5
19-7.75 -2.8

Brandon Ibe , 11, American Canyon

By Michael Lucid

1st Napa Valley Twilight 55.35

Alex Iversen
11, Fort Bragg
Pole Vault
1st CMC 9-6
1st Vern Regier 9-6
10-9 8th ’23

Kai Jaime
11, Casa Grande
16.82 +2.8 9th ’23, 17.26 +0.1

James Jepson, 11, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

43.20 9th ’23
1600 Relay
2nd NBL 3:28.87
2nd SR Twilight 3:37.28
13th NCS MOC 3:32.22
3:28.87 2nd ’23

Leslie Johnson, 12, Lower Lake

By Michael Lucid

1st CMC 53.63
53.09 10th ’23
1st Nor Cal Small 24.54
400 Relay
1st CMC 46.23
1st Nor Cal Small 46.31

Budda Jones
11, Lower Lake
400 Relay
1st Nor Cal Small 46.31

Charles Jones
11, Lower Lake
400 Relay
1st CMC 46.23

Adam Joseph, 11, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

9:55.33 6th ’23
3200 Relay
1st NBL 8:20.32, split 2:08.77
11th NCS MOC 8:28.62, split 2:11.29
8:20.32 1st ’23

Braedon Josephs, 11, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

Long Jump
3rd NCS Redwood 20-5.5 -1.8
20-5.5 7th ’23

Connor Judd
12, Ukiah
Pole Vault
10-6 =9th ’23

August Kingwell
11, Windsor
11.31 +1.3
400 Relay
45.64 10th ’23

Curtis Kovacevich, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

400 Relay
3rd NBL 44.37
3rd Viking Classic 44.39
44.31 3rd ’23

Jonathan Lacefield, 12, Montgomery

2022 Submitted photo

Pole Vault
2nd NBL 11-0
11-6 5th ’23

Xavius Lanford, 11, Montgomery

By Michael Lucid

52.98 9th ’23
1600 Relay
3:31.73 4th ’23

Adrian Larimore, 12, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 16.65 +2.8
16.65 +2.8, 7th ’23, 16.86 +1.9

Cooper Lee, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

3rd NBL 127-3
127-3 9th ’23

Adan Lemus, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

Shot Put
42-4.5 7th ’23

Trenton Lloyd, 12, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

3rd NBL 11.03 +1.3
8th NCS MOC 10.98 +3.2
10.97 +2.0 =2nd ’23, =36th All-Time, =22nd FAT, =11th Legal, =7th Legal Senior
23.01 +2.0 8th ’23
400 Relay
44.39 4th ’23

Patrick Logue, 11, Windsor

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
=3rd NBL 5-8
6-1 4th ’23

Jesse Lopez , 12, American Canyon

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 122-4
1st Napa Valley Twilight 118-1
124-0 10th ’23
Shot Put
1st Napa Valley Twilight 36-0
2nd VVAL 38-7.25

Cleo McClain , 12, St Helena

By Michael Lucid

1st Napa Valley Twilight 4:46.53
1st Napa Valley Twilight 2:10.62
1600 Relay
1st CMC 3:45.84

Daylan McFall, 11, Vintage

From 2022

Long Jump
1st VVAL 20-6.5
? tie 3rd Viking Classic 20-09
20-9 5th ’23
Triple Jump
2nd VVAL 41-2
41-2 5th ’23, 40-11.25 -2.1

Felix McLoyd, 11, Vintage

By Michael Lucid

2nd VVAL 42.94
42.69 7th ’23
17.08 +0.1

Xavier Mendez, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

1600 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 3:38.98

Townsend Miller
11, Casa Grande
Pole Vault
2nd VVAL 11-6
11-8 4th ’23

Dominic Morris
11, Windsor
400 Relay
45.64 10th ’23

Rami Nacouzi, 12, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

3200 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 8:32.24
3rd NBL 8:27.99, split 2:04.81
6th NCS MOC 8:20.60, split 2:04.45
8:20.60 2nd ’23
Distance Medley Relay
10:42.19 1st ’23, split 2:03.28

Agjes Nerguti
12, Cloverdale
Shot Put
1st CMC 39-6.5
41-11.5 8th ’23

Micah Nielson, 12, Cardinal Newman

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
5-10.5 7th ’23

Uriel Ortiz
12, Napa
3200 Relay
2nd VVAL 8:54.48

Josiah Orozco , 11, Napa

By Michael Lucid

Long Jump
1st Napa Valley Twilight 19-6
2nd VVAL 19-9.5
20-7.5 6th ’23, 20-0.5 -2.4

Cole Ouimette, 11, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
3rd Viking Classic 3:38.98
3:36.29 6th ’23

Talan Patrick, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

Triple Jump
2nd NBL 40-4.75
40-4.75 10th ’23

Darius Prince, 12, Santa Rosa

By Michael Lucid

400 Relay
3rd NBL 44.37
44.31 3rd ’23

Sam Raunegger , 11, St Helena

By Michael Lucid

1st CMC 15.96
1st Napa Valley Twilight 16.45
15.90 4th ,23, 16.08 +2.0
1st CMC 23.35
23.32 ’23
1st CMC 11.51
11.28 9th ’23, 11.33 +1.9

Andrew Rayner, 11, St Helena

By Michael Lucid

1600 Relay
1st CMC 3:45.84

Michael Richards , 11, Vintage

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 42.30
1st Napa Valley Twilight 43.68
41.51 5th ’23

Thomas Rist
11, Napa
3200 Relay
2nd VVAL 8:54.48

Jalen Rocker , 11, American Canyon

By Michael Lucid

High Jump
2nd VVAL 5-8

Cadel Sacher, 11, Santa Rosa

By Shelly Howe

400 Relay
3rd NBL 44.37
3rd Viking Classic 44.39
44.31 3rd ’23

Derek Sadorra
12, Piner

2022 Submitted photo

17.16 +0.1
Distance Medley Relay
11:08.11 3rd ’23

Grant Sanderson, 11, Maria Carrillo

By Michael Lucid

2:01.16 6th ’23
4:35.31 10th ’23
10:02.68 8th ’23
3200 Relay
2nd NCS Redwood 8:32.24
6th NCS MOC 8:20.60, split 2:08.73
8:20.60 2nd ’23
Distance Medley Relay
10:42.19 1st ’23, split 3:20.44

Parker Schuemann, 11, Justin-Siena

1st Napa Valley Twilight 24.37

Isador Shalev
12, Credo
High Jump
1st CMC 5-10

Ryan Seifert
12, Petaluma
400 Relay
2nd VVAL 44.89

Gabriel Sitton, 11, Maria Carrillo

2022 photo

1600 Relay
2nd NBL 3:28.87
13th NCS MOC 3:32.22
3:28.87 2nd ’23
3200 Relay
3rd NBL 8:27.99, split 2:09.70

Aidan Smith
12, Napa

2022 photo

3200 Relay
2nd VVAL 8:54.48

Jackson Smith
12, Justin-Siena
Pole Vault
1st Napa Valley Twilight 8-6

Raymond Somoff, 11, Petaluma

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 52.80
52.80 =7th ’23
1600 Relay
1st VVAL 3:34.61
3:34.61 5th ’23

Ishmael Tillis
11, Grace Christian Academy
3200 Relay
1st CMC 10:10.51

Lucas Vanderlind
12, Petaluma
Shot Put
1st VVAL 41-5.75
41-5.75 9th ’23
131-9 6th ’23

Isaac Vasquez, 12, Casa Grande

By Michael Lucid

1st VVAL 10:14.50
3200 Relay
1st VVAL 8:42.85

Andrew Velasco
11, St Helena
52.80 =7th ’23
1600 Relay
1st CMC 3:45.84

Bryce Ward, 12, Piner

2022 photo

3rd NBL 1:59.80
1:59.80 3rd ’23
1600 Relay
1st SR Twilight 3:33.83
2nd Viking Classic 3:32.21
3rd NBL 3:29.60
3rd NCS Redwood 3:32.99
14th NCS MOC 3:32.38
Distance Medley Relay
11:08.11 3rd ’23

Taylor Warren
11, Lower Lake
400 Relay
1st Nor Cal Small 46.31

Ryder Wilson, 11, Petaluma

2021 photo

1600 Relay
1st VVAL 3:34.61
3:34.61 5th ’23
400 Relay
2nd VVAL 44.89

Cannan Winters
11, Maria Carrillo
Long Jump
2nd SR Twilight 19-6.5
19-10.75 +0.0
Triple Jump
40-5 9th ’23

Cooper Wood
12, Maria Carrillo
High Jump
5-10 =8th ’23

Henry Xiao, 12, Sonoma Academy

By Michael Lucid

1st CMC 42.66
2nd Viking Classic 41.93
41.78 6th ’23

Izeyah Wright
11, Montgomery
Long Jump
20-10.75 4th ’23

+ hand time converted to automatic
* yard race converted to metric

2023 Track Results